UFO – Extraterrestrial Contact, News, etc.

The Pentagon Trembling

Pentagon finds no evidence of alien visits to Earth BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | March 10, 2024: In April 2020 the United States ...

Ufologist Says Extraterrestrials Are Sabotaging Nukes To Stop Apocalypse

SPUTNIK NEWS - May 26, 2018: Ufologists have long suspected that the world’s governments, in particular the United States, are ...
/ Aliens, Extraterrestrials, News, UFO, UFO

Time Traveler: Donald Trump Gets Re-Elected In 2020

THESUN / SPUTNIKNEWS - February 15, 2018: A young man who goes by the name of Noah claims that he has ...
/ News, Time Travel, UFO

Trump Will Be Against Globalization And The USA Interfering In Foreign Nations

Contact Report #663, November 6, 2016 – Billy Meier asks Ptaah about the presidential election in America and the candidates ...

Russia Will Become A Powerful Force Against The West

BATTLEFORWORLD - October 5, 2017 (updated January 18, 2018):  If the United States and its allies continue to spread bellicose ...

Might Of Thought: Media Ecology And Neuro-Linguistic Programming

(In the “enhanced” Silent Revolution Of Truth Compilation Edition, the free PDF book, refer to page 1162 and read about the long ...

An Open Letter To Governments And Public Media In Europe

FIGU Bulletin No. 97 and FIGU-Special-Bulletin No. 104, June 2017 – The last part of the “Open Letter to Governments ...

The Planet Of Women, A Female-Only Human Civilization

Contact Report #463, April 24, 2008 – The planet of women, a female-only human civilization. Billy: …I would like to ...
/ Aliens, Extraterrestrials, UFO, UFO

USA Media And The EU Dictatorship War-Mongering Against Russia

Contact Report #664, November 19, 2016 – Billy Meier asks Ptaah about the machinations of USA media and the EU dictatorship ...
/ America Wants World War, UFO

Governments, Militaries And Secret Services Control UFO-Alien Information

Written by DAH (A conglomerate group consisting of governments, militaries and secret services [of the United States, England and Israel, ...
/ Aliens, Extraterrestrials, Feature, News, UFO, UFO

Donald Trump And The Presidential Election In America

FIGU - Contact Report #663, November 6, 2016 – Billy Meier asks Ptaah about the presidential election in America and ...

Extraterrestrials To Confront The United States

Published By TBFWS (The Battle For World Supremacy) August 15, 2016 – Updated: December 30, 2016 Written By DAH In ...

Jmmanuel, The Man Disliked By The Zionists, The Romans And The Ruling Elite Cabal

Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 1 BATTLE FOR WORLD | December 15, 2015 – Updated: January 2, 2017: ...
/ Book, PDF, UFO

Jmmanuel, The Man Disliked By The Zionists, The Romans And The Ruling Elite Cabal

Note: Volumes are updated periodically. Please redownload. - If you're having trouble using the download links, in Chrome etc. right-click ...

US Presidential Election, Pending Civil Wars, US Hostility

(In the “enhanced” Silent Revolution Of Truth Compilation Edition, the free PDF book, refer to page 1162 and read about ...

Luke Ruehlman – Boy 5, Claims He Lived Past Life As A Woman Who Died In Chicago Fire

February 20, 2015 (Editor: Billy Meier continues to be correct with his Plejaren information. The Spirits are not getting their allotted ...

Three Races Of People Living In Peace For 1200 years, And Are Not Religiously Deluded

March 8, 2015 FIGU - Contact Reports, Volume: 9 (Plejadisch-plejarische Kontaktberichte, Gespräche, Block 9) Page number(s): 27 - 31 Date/time ...
/ Aliens, Extraterrestrials, UFO, UFO

Michael Jackson

Translated By Dyson Devine & Vivienne Legg Sept. 26, 2009 FIGU - Reader's Question Dear Billy: "As discussed, I am ...

Androids Programmed To Behave Like Earth Humans

Translated By βενιαμιν Sept. 19, 2009 FIGU - Contact Report 137 excerpt. Semjase: "Under the present circumstances, such a step ...

Billy Meier: Sept. 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden, Israel, Economic Collapse In America

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 1, the free PDF book: Download and read about: USA superpower status ...

Monstrous Hurricane Awaits The U.S. In The Future

Reposted: 09-20-05 BATTLEFORWORLD - April 12, 2005: Future devastation of the United States by a huge monstrous hurricane: One of ...

Elemental (Nature) Weapons

(In the "enhanced" Silent Revolution Of Truth Compilation Edition, the free PDF book, refer to page 1165 and read about ...
/ Earthquake, Hurricanes, Rain, Snow, Storm, UFO, Weather, World War

Reader: Will The ETs Let Us Nuke Ourselves?

Date of Reply: July 21, 2005 >Will the ETs let us nuke ourselves? BATTLEFORWORLD - If it would result in ...

Modern Prayer To The Deceivers On Earth

To our politicians, religious leaders, gurus, managers and money swindlers who exploit the Earth and embezzle from its people, disappear ...