United States And Allies Preparing For World War 3 – Part 3

1. United States And Allies Preparing For World War 3 – Part 1  |  2. United States And Allies Preparing For World War 3 – Part 2

Putin says if World War Three is underway

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 22, 2024: Over the past several months the war situation between Ukraine and Russia, with the United States and allies instigating, unleashing provocations to bait Russia into an irate state hoping to start an all out war, i.e. an eventual world war. Plans are moving along albeit slowly that could lead into this eventually buttress with tentacles to materialize other things hidden in darkness. – The West, i.e., the United States and Britain along with their allies, appears not to care regarding what they want to accomplish. Apparently they’re well secure knowing that their underground bunkers are protected and furnished with all the amenities to survive a nuclear war and radiation fallout.

Today, Dec 22, President Vladimir Putin of Russia acknowledges that Moscow will always respond to any escalation by the West, and stressed that the threat level is rising globally, and if World War Three is underway, they are prepared.

However, with that said, there is no need to scare people with talk of World War Three, noted the Russian President in an interview published by Russia 1 TV.

Putin was asked if the extensive involvement of the United States in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine implies that WWIII has already started, in which he replied: “You know, one should not scare people,” and added that “there are many dangers, and they keep increasing.” “We see what our current opponents are doing. They are escalating the situation.” The behavior by the United States shows that there are plans by the Biden administration to drastically increase the amount of weapons deliveries to Ukraine during his final weeks in office. “If they want it so much, if their life is so bad, let them escalate,” Putin said during a conversation recorded after his end-of-year press conference on Thursday. And insisted that Russia will “always respond to any challenge” coming from the West. “And when our current opponents – and maybe potential partners – will finally hear, understand and realize this, it seems to me that at that point the realization will come that what is needed is to seek compromises.”

President-elect Trump and his support team some are hoping will change things for the better, and find some way to muzzle the Deep State under the control of the Ruling Elites in the shadows who has spiral things out of control pushing the world to the brink of an all-out nuclear war and mass-killing.

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 1, the free PDF book: Download and read about: The Last Decisive Sign for World War 3, the breaking out of the Third World-Fire (i.e., the Third World War) will be a political murder, page 1484. In Germany alone, where life still blossoms, a hundred atom-suns (Editor: Germany is attacked with 100…nuclear bombs) are ablaze, page 1486.  The United States decides to start World War III, page 420.  The ending of World War III., page 800.  The destruction of the [US Moon] base, page 847.  Nostradamus refers to the USA as one who’s eager to lead, page 1412.  The seven branches will be reduced to three (i.e., from the Ruling Elites turning on each other), page 1489.  The enslaved population write songs, sing and make petition, page 1537.  Impulses Left by the Bafath/Giza Intelligence, page 1298.  Sirian Men in Black (MIB) Removed from Earth, page 780.  Sirian Men in Black (MIB), page 1555. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary – Volume 1 | and Download Book – Volume 1)

Russian President Vladimir Putin answers questions from journalist Pavel Zarubin, Russia 1 TV.


California 7.3 Earthquake – A Warning? – By Russia?

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 9, 2024: The posting “World War 3 – The Pending Catastrophic Strike Still Awaits – Part 1 [, here]” suggested that the Russians would eventually implement a “long-range strike” on the United States – for its provocations and belligerent behavior against Russia. (BattleForWorld.com: The general public is still unaware that the United States was infiltrated by the Power Elites – aristocrats and royals out of Europe after the collapse of the Renaissance, where the Zionists, the Nazis, the Bolsheviks, the fascists, etc., were eventually included over a period of time into the ‘Global Membrane’ that was forming from when the United States first came into being as a country, and this arrangement of likeminded groups are fixed on hegemony ambitions and work together.  Throughout the many decades this secretly operating membrane has groomed advisors placed in areas of government as highly experienced and knowledgeable persons and is essentially what makes up the ‘Deep State’, which is extended through government organizations like the U.S. Agency for International Development (A.I.D.), for example. Although the U.S. presidential election is advertised as free and democratic, when an administration is formed groomed individuals loyal to the elites are put in place to advise the president [on how to further the ambitions of the Power Elites that the public knows nothing about] and this is called democracy.)

This pending “long-range strike” that some sources are expecting on the United States is because these sources are aware of how the game is played. One source even mentioned a score sheet. For example, when the United States carry out clandestine attacks against Russia, Russia may choose to respond to those attacks on an individual basis or it can compound them all into one. That means the pending attack will result in a catastrophic strike – to happen immediately or at some future time of their choosing.

On December 6 Mike Adams in one of his Brighteon Broadcast News release said the following: There was reported to be an earthquake in northern California, close to Eureka (on Dec 6) that was initially reported as a 6.6 magnitude [earthquake] and was later upgraded to 7.3; and there was a tsunami warning about powerful waves and strong currents issued across a large portion of California’s northern coastline, but those waves from the tsunami never appeared and the warning was cancelled. And the reason for that? Well, that’s part of the discussion [today]. There was apparently shaking, and video footage from underwater taken by scuba divers showed the disruption of the ocean floor in the area. There is an explanation that few people are considering, and that is, that this was not an underwater earthquake, but an underwater detonation by Russia, and a warning from Russia, saying we have the Poseidon underwater drones with 100 megaton warheads and we can detonate them at any time and we can inundate your coastline with radioactive tsunamis. So, this may have been a warning message, and if you don’t think that Russia don’t send warning messages by demonstrating weapons, well let me bring your attention to this article out of RT funded by the Russian government, titled, “Moscow revealed purpose of Oreshnik missile test.” The hypersonic missile test was a message to Washington [DC] said Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in an interview with Tucker Carlson. …And today we have a mysterious 7.3 Richter Scale earthquake just 10 miles off the coast of California, without the normal tsunami aftermath function that would be expected. There is something that’s really odd about this earthquake, that is, that it was extremely shallow, reported at .6 kilometers, that’s only 6 meters deep. …

If you have not yet acquainted yourself with the SROT-CE volumes, please do so, because inside them are a lot of prophecies, particularly regarding World War 3. And in volume 1 [here] there is mention of an earthquake in California, given as a warning, before World War 3 starts, on page 420. Use the ‘table of contents’ in that volume and search for ‘world war’. But also, further in that volume starting from pages 197 to 203, and included in a color painting transmitted to an artist (by extraterrestrials) that was published in a European Edition of National Geographic magazine showing the aftermath of the pending great earthquake destined for California. – But not only in California will there be an earthquake, but also in the state of Washington, in the city of Seattle, (information transmitted by extraterrestrials with technology looking into the future). Many will ask the question, why can’t the extraterrestrials stop the earthquake forecasted to devastate the states of California and Washington. But will also the Earth human beings ask the question: who is going to stop the United States and their allies (Israel, United Kingdom and Europe) from destroying countries on Earth to spread their hegemonic rule? The Earth human beings must give attention to what is going on in Georgia, Ukraine, Palestine, Syria, etc. and also not forget the no longer existing country of Yugoslavia, and among them all the United States is center stage with their allies inciting provocations, coups and war activities, and have now enlisted terrorists to help them. – In volume 4 [here], from pages 703 to 715, information is given about the pending World War 3 that is to breakout at some future time, and the faith of the United States, the United Kingdom and the destruction of Israel.

In all of this, the Earth human beings must not forget that their life experience and inheritance should not be tied up in material gains, where war-life and destructive-leadership leave nothing for the future ones to build up their new consciousness and new personality in a wholesome way, but instead the continuance of marring themselves into the same pathways of coercion and destructive behaviors.

If the West was the standard for freedom and democracy, it is no more, because things there are morphing negatively affecting daily life and governments of the United States, the United Kingdom and parts of Europe, on the verge of bringing about total annihilation. Apparently, the West has ran out of honest leaders, because all that is there now work for the Global Membrane crime syndicate of families, royals and groups, who are furthering globalism, which is a hybrid model of Marxism and fascism.

Life experience and inheritance have to transcend into peace-life and positive-things to coexist into the future for the coming Earth human beings. And that is why the development of consciousness in positive ways to facilitate peace-life is so important.

California 7.3 earthquake

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 1, the free PDF book: Download and read about: The Last Decisive Sign for World War 3, the breaking out of the Third World-Fire (i.e., the Third World War) will be a political murder, page 1484. In Germany alone, where life still blossoms, a hundred atom-suns (Editor: Germany is attacked with 100…nuclear bombs) are ablaze, page 1486.  Giza Intelligence Corrupted Earth Religions into Lies, page 155.  A Contactee of the Giza Intelligence, page 155.  Removal of the Giza Intelligence, page 186.  Another Faction of the Giza Intelligence, page 187.  Allies of the Giza Intelligence, page 191.  Giza Intelligence Complex Command Center of Evil, page 241.  Bafath/Giza Intelligence Impulses, page 721.  Giza Intelligence and the Men-In-Black (MIB) Tried to Kill…, page 925.  Impulses Left by the Bafath/Giza Intelligence, page 1298.  Sirian Men in Black (MIB) Removed from Earth, page 780.  Sirian Men in Black (MIB), page 1555. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary – Volume 1 | and Download Book – Volume 1)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 2, the free PDF book: Download and read:  Giza Intelligences Were Sent into Exile, page 348.  Fatima and the Giza Intelligences, page 857.  Adolf Hitler Had Succumbed to the Giza Intelligences and Thule Society, page 863.  Men In Black; Giza (Gizeh) Intelligence, page 343.  Men In Black (MIB); Technical Innovation Received from the Sonarens, page 346.  The Men in Black Were Taken Prisoner, page 347.  Secret plans to exterminate people, page 523.  A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and 5G Technology; Yuval Noah Harari, page 525.  Almost Time for the Great Culling of the Useless Eaters, pages 621, 1384.  Powerful elite planning a massive genocide, page 616. The CIA Was Actually Serving a Different Master, page 144. The SOG Team, USA Secret Service; The CIA Practically Has Unlimited Power at its Disposal; The CIA is More Powerful Than the Entire Government of the USA; The CIA Does Not Shy Away From Murdering in the USA; The CIA is a World Power; The CIA Also Murder Many Politicians, page 485.  World War Three is Being Conducted Secretly, page 520.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 2 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 3, the free PDF book: Download and read: Umigos – The Giza Intelligence, page 86.  Giza Intelligences Deported, page 961.  The Americans Are Behaving Like the Giza Intelligence, page 961.  The Sirian Men in Black formed links with the Giza-Intelligences, page 109.  The Earth-Foreigners the originators of the Fatima phenomenon, page 1012.  The Dark Government Of America (i.e., the Shadow Government), page 89.  US Dark Government (i.e., Shadow Government), page 179. The Dark Government/Shadow Government Created in 1787 Secretly, page 287.  America’s Aspirations Of Its Dark Government/Shadow Government, page 426. America’s Dark Government/Shadow Government, page 435. Provoking A Far-Reaching World War By America, page 402. Danger Looming For Another World War, page 495.  Earth humans are being lied to and deceived, page 1241.  State leaders are subliminally influenced, page 1245.  The US army as the world police, page 1247.  The American government and the dark government, page 1252.  Earth leaders are so stupid and wish to inflict damage on all humans, page 1252.  The West/United States wants to breakup Russia, pages 497, 427, 190 and 34.  The bulk of all the state leaders on Earth are composed of utterly unscrupulous elements, page 1498.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 3 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 4, the free PDF book: Download and read:  American pre-OSS Agents Overthrew Tsar Nicholas II – the Royal Family of Russia, page 1076Tsar’s Rule in Russia Forcibly Ended by the Bolsheviks [ – funded by America and Britain], page 1077 Stupid governments of many countries, page 20.  Rulers of almost all countries on Earth is so lowly intelligent, page 29.  The Foreigners/Earth Foreigners (the ‘second side of the power structure’), know about the Giza Intelligences, page 128. The Foreigners/Earth Foreigners (the ‘second side of the power structure’), know about the Giza Intelligences, page 128.  In 1975 everything was thoroughly pre-programmed by the ‘Black Men/Men in Black, page 332.  The Coming Breakup of The United States, The Destruction of Israel; How World War III Possibly Starts & Moves Along, etc., page 703.  The ‘Men in Black’ and the ‘unknowable men’, page 706.  Licio Gelli works for the ‘Men in Black’, i.e., the Aliens, page 706.   John F. Kennedy was going to obstruct the globalist plans?, page 707.  The ‘Men in Black’ and/or ‘Black Men’, page 778.  Hateful elements that cooperated with the Giza Intelligences, page 779.  When [the] Foreigners Make Their Presence Felt (- i.e., Earth stationed extraterrestrials to appear and deal with/reprimand the United States, Britain, Europe, etc.; the ones causing all manner of wars and exploitations on Earth against people, especially the third world; the Earth-Foreigners have been monitoring things for many centuries and their spaceships are patrolling the airspace 24/7, -Editor), page 459.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 4 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 7, the free PDF book: Download and read: The Creation-Energy Teaching, repetition is necessary for the basic Creation-Energy knowledge and understanding to breakthrough, – because the Earth is plagued with too many wars, deceptions, coercions and misunderstandings, page I-1.  See what happens during the death of the body, our rest and rebirth (Note: first time presented in history), page 61.  The Twelve Recommendations/Commandments, page 140.  The Human with a Part-Piece of the Creation-Energy, page 89. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 7 Book)


World War 3 – The United States and allies continue to escalate – part 2

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 29, 2024: The West, i.e., the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe, is convinced that they can kill Russia, and then China, and whoever that comes after. It’s a calculated strategy that they have made, that the US and NATO can defeat Russia in a nuclear war and so what if most of the American people and the European people die. The rulers of the United States are going to rule afterwards. They don’t need you, because they’re going to have robots to do the work. This group of various crime syndicates that have taken over the United States Pentagon and government…are demented. They don’t care about you; what they want are the natural resources of Russia, and then they move to take out China, etc. to have the entire world for themselves. 

Related posting: World War 3 – The Pending Catastrophic Strike Still Awaits – Part 1

Pentagon General Pat Ryder reported on Ukraine using ATACMS, saying that the Biden White House has made a shift in policy, that Kiev may use ATACMS in defense of their country; the focus right now is on the Kursk region of Russia and will let the Ukrainians speak (- and speak to whom, the United States who provides the telemetry data?) on their targeting decisions. – Segments of the onlooking public, governments and pundits believe that Russia is not going to attack the United State. Hypothetically, if Russia was to give Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. long-range missiles and said it’s okay to attack regions in the United States with them, that is what is going on. This is proxy war with the major players orchestrating direct attacks using proxies, i.e. other countries. The warring establishment press in the West would want the United States to respond. (BattleForWorld.com: If the public have not yet figured it out, the warfare behavior is being proxied-out, or in other words fought in a proxy-way, where the United States…use other countries to attack their enemies, but eventually there will be direct warfare blows between the United States and Russia, etc.)

Regarding the topic of drones, the mysteriousness of these flying devices, starting off with the Pentagon accusing China of flying balloon devices (and also drones, blaming aliens – i.e., foreigners of countries) near United States military sites to gather information, and now a similar mysteriousness of flying devices is being reported in the United Kingdom. (BattleForWorld.com: An elite source said the Pentagon was secretly launching these flying devices as part of a psychological warfare campaign on the public to prepare them for some type of eventuality, but initially they were blaming the Chinese.)

At the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in Kazakhstan on November the 27th, President Vladimir Putin compares the Oreshnik ballistic missile to that of a ‘meteorite’, saying: “This is like a falling meteorite. We know from history where meteorites had fallen and what the consequences were. What lakes were formed,” further adding that “Anything located in the strike center is obliterated into elemental particles, reduced to dust.” (BattleForWorld.com: The general public in the West will not understand the comparison. – To all the UAPs surveillance crafts, keep patrolling the skies and hold your positions; keep strengthening the gigantic fleet of fighter crafts, support crafts and motherships, because at some point, the warmongers who have infiltrated the United States and other countries will have to be thought a powerful lesson.)

Hypersonic missile strike – Ukraine, and WWIII pending.

Russia has ‘superweapons’ – claimed one of their top senator and Federation Council chairwoman Valentina Matvienko. Saying that these “superweapons” will allow Russia to respond appropriately to any act of aggression against the country. Noting that Putin reserves the right to strike countries that participate and support Kiev in using weapons they have given to Ukraine to strike Russia, and that the use of the Oreshnik ballistic missile was because of the “aggressive actions of NATO members” supporting Ukraine. And that its use was a “powerful act of modern geopolitics” and “a powerful signal” that was received “by all addressees.” “This is our response to the ongoing escalation by the West and the steps that led to the attack on Russian facilities using long-range weapons. We warn that this is unacceptable,” Matvienko said. And that the use of the Oreshnik ballistic missile was a “demonstration that we are ready for any development of events and we have the means, including superweapons, to give a tangible and inevitable response.”

Matvienko expressed hope that Western leaders will draw the right conclusions from the latest developments, “come to their senses and admit that they have lost, that they have failed to achieve their goals of containing Russia’s development, that they have failed to inflict a geopolitical defeat on Russia, and sit down at the negotiating table on a wide range of issues.”

The West giving Ukraine the approval to use ATACMS was a signal to Russia saying, these ATACMS can be armed with nuclear warheads, and the West is now threatening to give Ukraine nuclear warheads to put on the ATACMS. Russia responded with the Oreshnik ballistic missile and revealed in the press that nuclear warheads can be added to these missiles. And President Putin has already warned of retaliation if nuclear weapons/warheads are transferred to Ukraine.

President Putin also gave a warning, that Trump is ‘not safe’, hinting that the Deep State is going to make things difficult for him. Putin noted that he was astonished by the way the US election campaign was carried out, citing the “absolutely uncivilized methods used to battle against Trump, including repeated assassination attempts.” Further adding saying, “In my opinion, he is not safe now,” noting that “various incidents have happened in US history,” and hopes that president-elect Trump is “cautious and understands this.”

Even the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill has urged people not to fear apocalyptic scenarios being spread by the Western establishment media. Saying that the apocalyptic fear-mongering and speculation about nuclear war are not good for people of faith from a spiritual (i.e., consciousness) point of view. Adding that “There is no need to play along with all this. Christians are not afraid of the so-called end of the world,” and that “the enemy of the human race” (i.e., dark forces that have infiltrated the United States, the United Kingdom and parts of Europe, etc.) is trying to sow confusion and anxiety, depriving everyone of courage and will. “A person deprived of spiritual (i.e., conscious) peace is easier to manipulate,” he noted. Emphasizing that Russia’s goal is to “resist evil,” and called on his fellow citizens to “defend high moral ideals” [ – of consciousness elevation to affect life in peaceful ways]. (BattleForWorld.com: To read more about consciousness elevation ways, refer to the “Silent Revolution of Truth – Volume 7,” here. The aspirant should start off my practicing the ‘original’ prayer for the consciousness on page 432.)

President-elect Donald Trump in a studio message said: “World War 3 has never been closer than it is right now. We need to clean house of all the warmongers – America’s last globalists in the Deep State, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the National Security Industrial Complex. – One of the reasons I was the only president in generations who didn’t start a war, is that I was the only president who rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington [DC]’s generals, bureaucrats and the so-called diplomats, who only know how to get us into conflict, but they don’t know how to get us out. For decades we have had the very same people, such as Victoria Nuland, and many others just like her obsessed with pushing Ukraine towards NATO; not to mention the State Department support for uprisings in Ukraine. These people have been seeking confrontation for a long time, much like the case in Iraq and other parts of the world, and now we are teetering on the brink of World War 3. And a lot of people don’t see it, but I see it and I have been right about a lot of things. … Here it America we need to get rid of the corrupt Globalist Establishment that has botched every major foreign policy decision for decades and that includes President Biden, whose own people said he has never made a good decision when it comes to looking at other countries and looking at wars. We have to replace them with people who support American interest… And now we are going to complete the mission. The State Department, Pentagon and National Security Establishment will be a different place by the end of my administration. …”

While Trump speaks publicly of peace, the Deep State is working in the background regarding Ukraine, and on Friday, November 29th the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) released information stating that the West is essentially planning to occupy Ukraine and freeze the conflict with Russia by deploying tens of thousands of supposed peacekeepers to the country. The spy agency reported that intelligence sources have shared information saying that NATO is more in favor of freezing the hostilities along the current front line, as the US-led military bloc and Ukraine have come to realize that they are failing to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia. – Russia will not fall for anymore tricks and realize that freezing the conflict without ironclad written guarantees would allow the West to rebuild the shattered Ukrainian military and “prepare it for an attempt at revenge.” The SVR noted that NATO is already setting up training centers to process at least one million Ukrainian conscripts. “To solve these tasks, the West will need to essentially occupy Ukraine. Naturally, this will be done under the guise of deploying a ‘peacekeeping contingent’ in the country… According to the plan, a total of 100,000 so-called peacekeepers will be deployed in Ukraine.” – The United States plan involves partitioning Ukraine into four large occupation zones. Romania would be responsible for the Black Sea coast, Poland would control the Western part of Ukraine, and the UK would occupy the north, including Kiev. The central and eastern parts of the country would be taken by Germany, according to the SVR intelligence report. – The SVR asked the question: “Does Russia need such a peaceful settlement option? The answer is obvious.” – Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov reaffirmed that root causes need to be addressed to settle the Ukrainian conflict.

A clarion sign that the United States definitely wants to set-off World War 3 was reported today November 29th that “US and French soldiers were killed in airstrikes launched by the Russian military on Ukrainian territory, which indicates these soldiers were present there,” said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, from news reported by Russia. He described it as yet another sign to escalate the military conflict, which could lead to another global war.

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 1, the free PDF book: Download and read about: The Last Decisive Sign for World War 3, the breaking out of the Third World-Fire (i.e., the Third World War) will be a political murder, page 1484. In Germany alone, where life still blossoms, a hundred atom-suns (Editor: Germany is attacked with 100…nuclear bombs) are ablaze, page 1486.  Giza Intelligence Corrupted Earth Religions into Lies, page 155.  A Contactee of the Giza Intelligence, page 155.  Removal of the Giza Intelligence, page 186.  Another Faction of the Giza Intelligence, page 187.  Allies of the Giza Intelligence, page 191.  Giza Intelligence Complex Command Center of Evil, page 241.  Bafath/Giza Intelligence Impulses, page 721.  Giza Intelligence and the Men-In-Black (MIB) Tried to Kill…, page 925.  Impulses Left by the Bafath/Giza Intelligence, page 1298.  Sirian Men in Black (MIB) Removed from Earth, page 780.  Sirian Men in Black (MIB), page 1555. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary – Volume 1 | and Download Book – Volume 1)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 2, the free PDF book: Download and read:  Giza Intelligences Were Sent into Exile, page 348.  Fatima and the Giza Intelligences, page 857.  Adolf Hitler Had Succumbed to the Giza Intelligences and Thule Society, page 863.  Men In Black; Giza (Gizeh) Intelligence, page 343.  Men In Black (MIB); Technical Innovation Received from the Sonarens, page 346.  The Men in Black Were Taken Prisoner, page 347.  Secret plans to exterminate people, page 523.  A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and 5G Technology; Yuval Noah Harari, page 525.  Almost Time for the Great Culling of the Useless Eaters, pages 621, 1384.  Powerful elite planning a massive genocide, page 616. The CIA Was Actually Serving a Different Master, page 144. The SOG Team, USA Secret Service; The CIA Practically Has Unlimited Power at its Disposal; The CIA is More Powerful Than the Entire Government of the USA; The CIA Does Not Shy Away From Murdering in the USA; The CIA is a World Power; The CIA Also Murder Many Politicians, page 485.  World War Three is Being Conducted Secretly, page 520.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 2 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 3, the free PDF book: Download and read: Umigos – The Giza Intelligence, page 86.  Giza Intelligences Deported, page 961.  The Americans Are Behaving Like the Giza Intelligence, page 961.  The Sirian Men in Black formed links with the Giza-Intelligences, page 109.  The Earth-Foreigners the originators of the Fatima phenomenon, page 1012.  The Dark Government Of America (i.e., the Shadow Government), page 89.  US Dark Government (i.e., Shadow Government), page 179. The Dark Government/Shadow Government Created in 1787 Secretly, page 287.  America’s Aspirations Of Its Dark Government/Shadow Government, page 426. America’s Dark Government/Shadow Government, page 435. Provoking A Far-Reaching World War By America, page 402. Danger Looming For Another World War, page 495.  Earth humans are being lied to and deceived, page 1241.  State leaders are subliminally influenced, page 1245.  The US army as the world police, page 1247.  The American government and the dark government, page 1252.  Earth leaders are so stupid and wish to inflict damage on all humans, page 1252.  The West/United States wants to breakup Russia, pages 497, 427, 190 and 34.  The bulk of all the state leaders on Earth are composed of utterly unscrupulous elements, page 1498.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 3 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 4, the free PDF book: Download and read:  American pre-OSS Agents Overthrew Tsar Nicholas II – the Royal Family of Russia, page 1076Tsar’s Rule in Russia Forcibly Ended by the Bolsheviks [ – funded by America and Britain], page 1077 Stupid governments of many countries, page 20.  Rulers of almost all countries on Earth is so lowly intelligent, page 29.  The Foreigners/Earth Foreigners (the ‘second side of the power structure’), know about the Giza Intelligences, page 128. The Foreigners/Earth Foreigners (the ‘second side of the power structure’), know about the Giza Intelligences, page 128.  In 1975 everything was thoroughly pre-programmed by the ‘Black Men/Men in Black, page 332.  The Coming Breakup of The United States, The Destruction of Israel; How World War III Possibly Starts & Moves Along, etc., page 703.  The ‘Men in Black’ and the ‘unknowable men’, page 706.  Licio Gelli works for the ‘Men in Black’, i.e., the Aliens, page 706.   John F. Kennedy was going to obstruct the globalist plans?, page 707.  The ‘Men in Black’ and/or ‘Black Men’, page 778.  Hateful elements that cooperated with the Giza Intelligences, page 779.  When [the] Foreigners Make Their Presence Felt (- i.e., Earth stationed extraterrestrials to appear and deal with/reprimand the United States, Britain, Europe, etc.; the ones causing all manner of wars and exploitations on Earth against people, especially the third world; the Earth-Foreigners have been monitoring things for many centuries and their spaceships are patrolling the airspace 24/7, -Editor), page 459.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 4 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 7, the free PDF book: Download and read: The Creation-Energy Teaching, repetition is necessary for the basic Creation-Energy knowledge and understanding to breakthrough, – because the Earth is plagued with too many wars, deceptions, coercions and misunderstandings, page I-1.  See what happens during the death of the body, our rest and rebirth (Note: first time presented in history), page 61.  The Twelve Recommendations/Commandments, page 140.  The Human with a Part-Piece of the Creation-Energy, page 89. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 7 Book)


The coming collapse of the United States –
weather chaos. Why is this happening?
American pre-OSS agents murdered Tsar Nicholas II and the entire royal family of Russia

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | October 12, 2024 (updated): While the United States quickly and freely gives money to Israel and the Ukraine or any country who they have a vested interest in, the American people always get very little in return and across the hurricane ravaged zones people affected are now realizing how providing and supporting the US government is to its people as they face shortcomings, convoluted information about help, quickly becoming almost nonexistent in a country that is always preaching to the world of its greatness. Perhaps such boasting only applies to foreign policy and funding wars? Meanwhile, the US government quickly and freely gives money to Israel and the Ukraine, and always at the introduction when giving these millions and billions of dollars is the slogan that the American people support freedom and democracy and are in agreement with aid money to countries.

The American people whom the US government says supports their cause in foreign policy and giving money to other countries, are now finding out that when it comes to the needs of the American people funds are very limited or unavailable.

The American public has been given a steady diet of lies and media censorship as to what is truly going on around the world, and is unknowing of the fact that the United States, controlled by a ruling elite class, is playing a leading role in destabilizing the world. And so large segments of the population are unaware about what is going on around the world; don’t want to know; working and surviving; while others immerse themselves into other realities of recreational things.

How to wake up the American people? According to an elite source, you do that by bringing devastation to them, to let them experience, how truly helpful and supportive their government is, and for them to begin witnessing, that the lofty comments being made by the US government over the many decades, are based on lies and deception being given to them by a media landscape that is controlled by an elite ruling class.

The American people are now finding out that the support and monies their government always weaved into comments about the American people’s approval to give millions and billions away, do not apply to them in their own country in times of need; and as well, they will see how quickly the housing and car insurance companies start complaining about paying out claims. – An elite source said, this has to get through to the American people and when it does, the US illusionary government in Washington DC, held captive by an elite ruling class, will collapse, because the people will no longer tolerate looting from the national budget to support hegemony foreign policies and wars dressed up in deception slogans to rally the people’s support.

(BattleForWorld.com: So, we are in a phase now where segments of peoples in the United States are now seeing that the US Empire has little humanity when it comes to helping their own people. The US main goal is its foreign policy in world hegemony; however, the US tells the people that it’s supporting democracy, but should tell the people it is supporting foreign policies of the US regime fronted by an elite class manipulating things in the background.

The United States and Britain are in provocation mode, setting areas of the world on fire; and the elite source said, it is only fair that the same is given in return, because the United States and their allies refuse to stop their provocation habits toward hegemony. And so, the other side of the secret power structure is starting to move upon the United States and Britain.

The elite source said, advanced technologies are at work that the public is not aware of, that will affect the weather and the ground. The private group behind these elemental weapons are at war with the US shadow government that has taken over the United States government, which the population of the US is unaware off, and want the US population to wise-up to the reality and fact that they are being misused by their own government to implement destructive foreign policies that is not to their interest, but to that of the elite ruling class.

The secret European lineage elite families in control of the United States government through a shadow government arrangement since the year 1787 (and it does not matter who the president is, because the foreign policy of the shadow government is always paramount and), what is left of these elite families, are making their last bid for world domination.

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What is going on with Israel and Ukraine, (and eventually Taiwan, with India pending,) etc. is more important than the American people, who the elite class sees as expendable. And the elite source said the American people has to realize this arrangement by the shadow government which is about hegemony business, i.e. globalization, which is globalism – the hybrid model of Marxism and fascism.

The United States and their allies, held captive by an elite ruling class, do not want peace when it is a disadvantage to them, and is the reason why Ukraine was told by the United States not to sign a peace treaty with Russia, and that was repeated by the Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah who agreed to a ceasefire with Israel, before he was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut.

(BattleForWorld.com: The hurricane situation in the eastern part of the United States is becoming a political hotbed, as the American people become irate, because the United States government has very little or no money to help those displaced by the hurricanes moving over areas of the east coast. Things are so tense, Netanyahu had to cancel his Defense Chief trip to Washington DC. Meanwhile, Netanyahu is paranoid – in constant fear that someone might overthrow or supplant him, and this gets more acute with each passing day, because he sees traitors everywhere – enemies inside his inner circle. But also, the situation gets further complicated as Netanyahu tries to continue blackmailing the US by threatening to start a major conflict right on the eve of the US presidential election, one expert noted. – It is important, according to Netanyahu, that the United States continue to provide money, weapons and support to Israel. – But when the American people wake up to the chicanery that is going on, the many decades old Israeli bromance is in danger. – The great unknowing is how to make Netanyahu disappear permanently. – And maybe Vladimir Zelensky will make another trip to America asking for more billions of dollars and weapons for Ukraine?)

The mood of the America people is changing as they become aware of the hypocrisy in government and how they are treated in times of personal hardship from nature events in their own country.

If there is a country on Earth with a ferocious vendetta against America and Britain, it would be Russia. Many Americans, to be approximately 99.99%, do not know of the fact that early US Intelligence* operations (which later formed the American OSS and then the CIA) agents were instructed by shadow managers in the West to murder Tsar Nicholas II and the entire royal family of Russia. Many Americans are also unaware that the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 was financed by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other European aristocrat families. And more recently, the American CIA set in motion plans that brought about the destruction of the Russian pipeline project Nord Stream. And prior, instigated color revolutions in Eastern Europe and Russia, and today is directing a proxy war on Russia using Ukraine. All these activities by the West to destroy to Russia, however Russia continues to withstand their blows. Secret wars unknown to the public…my pen has run out of ink (I need to buy a pack of pens, support our advertisers).

by Mike V and The Rats
I’ve got a vendetta.
I’m still breathing, I’m still alive, you tried to ruin me, to crucify.
I’ve got a vendetta.
It burns in my veins, it’s sweet revenge when I see your pain.
I’ve got a vendetta.

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 1, the free PDF book: Download and read about:  The United States and England fear the breakout of true-peace and true-freedom, page 1479. Two terrible Civil Wars to Break out in America, page 667.  US Civil Wars; US hostility toward Russia, page 693. America falls into two Civil Wars, page 1486.  Nostradamus prophecy about America falling into Civil War, page 419. The reason for the United States; its long secret mission, page 1257. The Third World War, page 799. Provoking Russia to the point of nuclear war that envelopes all of Europe, page 835. Evil sign of a threatening and worldwide and world-destroying nuclear war, page 1138.  The United States failed to set off Nuclear War against the former Soviet Union on September 1982, page 1374.  Possibility is that a thermonuclear war, page 1409.  All-destructive and all-destroying nuclear war., page 1547.  The last decisive sign for the breakout of the Third World-Fire/World-War-3, page 1484.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary – Volume 1 | and Download Book – Volume 1)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 3, the free PDF book: Download and read:  Shadow government organization since the year 1787, page 179. The United States Of America Will Be A Country Of Total Destruction, page 231.  America’s aspiration for world domination, page 144. The Ukraine War Will Continue And Become Worse, page 125.  America’s Aspiration For World Domination, NATO Organization, page 144.  The U.S. economy will require large amounts of minerals from abroad; a lessening of population, page 331.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 3 Book)

“It is true that Rasputin murder could barely have been surpassed in terms of its brutality when, in 1916, he was murdered with a .455 Webley pistol by a British agent by the name of Oswald Rayner.”

“Although he was married and had a family, Rasputin was an itinerant monk, that is to say, an itinerant preacher, who, through suggestive influence, carried out “miraculous healings” which were truly self-healings of the sick.”

“The reason for the murder was Rasputin’s political objectives, which endangered the victory of Great Britain in the First World War, which raged at that time. …”

Related posting: Medvedev calls for ‘sinking’ of Great Britain

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 4, the free PDF book: Download and read:  American pre-OSS Agents Overthrew Tsar Nicholas II – the Royal Family of Russia, page 1076Tsar’s Rule in Russia Forcibly Ended by the Bolsheviks [ – funded by America and Britain], page 1077  Two terrible civil wars will break out in America, page 709The murder of Rasputin by British Intelligence, page 1083.   A revolution will be brought about in England, which surpasses the German civil war, page 708.  America, due to political entanglements with Canada, will be thrown into another war, page 708.   America in Its Delusion of Hegemony, page 121America Lives Under Hegemony Mania, page 120.  Since America Came into Being, Delusion of Hegemony Has Arisen, page 165.  NATO Organisation Fixed Hegemony Idea of Harry S. Truman, page 165.  Adolf Hitler Was Also Obsessed With Bellicosity and Hegemony, page 165. America to supply Ukraine with nuclear munitions?,page 119.  What America did in Japan during the last world war, page 955.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 4 Book)

Weather chaos.

*The evolution of the U.S. Intelligence Community history, here.



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3 months ago

Check facts about OSS and the Tsar family murder dates and perps.