Part 2 – The Fall Of America Will Happen | Part 3 – The Fall Of America Will Happen
BATTLE FOR WORLD – February 18, 2017 (updated August 23, 2017): The people of America who elected Donald Trump to the presidency are hoping for a miracle regarding the ailing problems that plague the country. But there is something that the people are unaware of: After President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and the political hiccups in-between that led to Jimmy Carter and later Ronald Reagan, the financial elites in America started to implement “globalization policies” within the United States and worldwide (the ongoing foreign wars using America’s military, and trade treaties – TTP, NAFTA, etc.).
That’s what is behind the “many changes” (regarding the job market, people’s well-being, order in society, immigration [with diverse ethnic groups with different cultures to change the old landscape of Americana], crumbling infrastructure, etc.) happening in America. It is taking on the skin of “globalization” that has been reshaping the world into a police corporate order. And highly informed individuals in the Republican and Democratic parties are well aware of what is going on but information is being suppressed from the general public about the ongoing transition.
When Trump says, I have inherited a 30-year mess from previous administrations, he’s telling the truth. Because the previous administrations (Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr. and Obama) all have been doing the work of the financial elites (the London and New York bankers the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, etc. in union with the Zionists, the Bolsheviks, etc.) to implement “globalization”.
President Trump cannot fix America in one swoop, because it has been allowed to decay beyond repair, drifting from the old framework. And the new framework is “globalization”, “the haves and the have nots” – the rich and the poor. That’s what is causing the “many changes”, the deterioration of America and other First World countries toward Third World standards of living. The centers of cities in countries will flourish with law and security, having high costs of living, while the outer perimeters of those countries will be left to decay and fall into chaos and poor.
President Trump is only a pause-wrench in the globalist agenda. That is why the corporate media is so anti-Trump. Trump won’t be able to stop what is destiny, the fall of America. Imagine, the Democrat and the Republican parties, etc. have been committing subversive acts against the people of America with smiling faces for decades, to deliver the people and their goods into the hands of “globalization”. And the corporate news media played an important part, where the media is used against the people manipulating and abusing them by hiding the truth from them, shutting their eyes and repeating all-day lies and abominations using lawyer’s tongue to hypnotize the people into senselessness, insanities, hate, even desperately calling for the murder of others, etc.
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Maybe Trump is unaware or he’s naive, regardless, I do not think he knows that he has saddled himself with a “lethal cocktail”, the financial mess he will not be able to fix and the masses who are desperate, because the American dream for them has dimmed. The financial mess that President Trump has inherited from the previous administrations (i.e. Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama) of war, the New World Order of the One World Order presidents, he will not be able to fix whatsoever! And so Trump will have to make the decision to activate the fuse to blow the chicanery up at some near future time.
(BattleForWorld: More spending will only increase US debt and make the problem worse.)
When President Trump is unable to deliver his promises [of jobs, growth, etc.], the curtain of this great production “The United States of America” will begin to come down, however the curtain will not completely come down under Trump, because that will happen in the presidency of another.
One source noted that the states of the United States will at that future time begin to separate from Washington DC, and this is because of the internet waking up the people, and power will be taken away from the Federal Government and given back to the states thus eliminating the need for senators and congressmen, because they are not serving the people, but rather special interests of the Ruling Elites. And a Rothschild source said that they would like to have a central bank in every state. So the United States is on the path to disintegration.
(In the “enhanced”, Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, the free PDF book, refer to page 1162 and read about the long ago prediction regarding The Fall of America. Civil wars, refer to pages 667, 693, 1140, 1486. Other excerpts referring to America, refer to pages 1072, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1130, 1132, 1133, 1137, 1139, 1143, 1144, 1145 and also check the “table of contents”. Free book, PDF Format – Link: > Download from MediaFire)
Americans are not happy with the country’s social and political environment:
[ Bible and GUN for Churchgoers Around Country | PARTISAN DIVIDE GROWS IN USA | Unrest at Home: New Poll Says US Political Divisions Now as Bad as Vietnam Era | Americans may need passport for domestic air travel | DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA: Most polarized along party lines | WHITE SUPREMACISTS PLAN UNANNOUNCED ‘FLASH’ PROTESTS | United Nations Sounds Alarm Over America’s Racial Tensions | POLL: 73% Say Political Debate Encouraging Violence | US Budget cuts threaten forests’ roads, hunting, fishing… | Hard Times Come To Much Of Rural America | Everyone wants to live downtown in America, but only the rich can afford it. And it’s getting worse Show More
The Great Depression In America, In The 1930s After The Stock Market Crash
READING THROUGH HISTORY – April 1, 2018: How life in America was during the Great Depression in the 1930s after the stock market crash.
Future Forecast For America – Part 1:
BATTLE FOR WORLD – March 23, 2017 (updated April 30, 2018) Questions by shootingstar. Answers by DAH
>Financial collapese in 2020-2025?
It could happen by that time if Trump is a one term president. But they, the elites, might try to hide the obvious truth about the weakness of the US economy using fake news.
President Trump – first term. Pending second term for President Trump could be wishful thinking because the corporate media and political forces are very much against him. And with all the chaos from terrorism, is of much concern, as Dick Cheney predicts ‘far deadlier’ attack against U.S. in next decade.
If Trump wins a second term 2021-2024, the Democrats will inherit the full force of the financial collapse which by 2025 should start becoming obvious (regarding the weakness of the United States economy after 2020), and by then America might elect its first female president.
>Or is this when the wars are expected to break out. (i.e. Billy Meier info)?
The civil war, that will unfold in the Democratic Party administration. But Trump is going to “harness” this volatile cocktail mix – like how he’s doing now, by keeping in constant touch with his support base – using Twitter, press conferences, etc. Keeping them informed about things…, because the corporate press and certain political forces are very much against him.
>Total destruction in America on both coasts is the prediction from what I can gather?
Yes. From elementals. Maybe Climate Change will get extreme?
>Financial/Economic first followed by elemental weapons?
Elemental only if the Globalist forces decide to go ahead with World War III. But before they go ahead to start the Great War, a warning will be given if necessary. And if they decide to obey and not go ahead with war, it will just be the financial crash and massive austerity in the West.
>Or does the war happen first?
The Globalists want the war to happen first – to cover up the fact and hide it from the people that they have wasted America’s money on Globalist wars – for it to become the World’s Policeman.
>Financial crash>social unrest>wars>elemental weapons?
Phase 1 – Financial crash>social unrest > Phase 2 – wars>elemental weapons.
But Phase 2 does not have to happen.
>Isn’t there supposed to be an asteroid/meteor event before too long as well?
Into the late 2020s and beyond. We will use the nuclear missiles (repackaged) for this, if the meteors threaten the Earth.
Also, we shouldn’t waste our nuclear fuel foolish, because we will need it for space travel to power our fusion rockets.
References – Links:
[ Michael Moore Says Trump Is On Track To Win Again In 2020 ]
Future Forecast For America – Part 2:
BATTLE FOR WORLD – December 29, 2018: Forecast regarding the future happenings for the United States. Questions submitted by Mike.
>So how soon before the FAKE STOCK MARKET collapse$?
If Trump wins a second term. The stock market doom is near. He’s going to waste billions of dollars trying to fix or implement things here and there. He’s a business man, but the math does not work anymore – the debt is too high and will cause the collapse of the US.
After his second term is over, it will be DOOM – the Democrats cannot escape it no more. And the globalists using the Democrats to regain what they have lost under Trump will be futile and senseless.
If they get rid of Trump now, there’s going to be civil unrest. I do not think the Democrats want that, as it will be doom for them. But maybe the globalists do?
Much civil unrest in Trump’s first and pending second term is unlikely. This will be for the Democrats – a terrible omen for all is much against them now.
No. Big changes in America before 2050. The Zionist Christian passionate ones and their neoconservative politicians are going to cause a lot of problems in the US.
The stock market as we know it will be deactivated – too much financial abuse.
Both political parties will lose credibility. And will give rise to fractured groups of “headless idiots” (a Nostradamus term in Century 1 – Quatrain 14) politicians, media talking personalities, etc. It is just going to confuse and irate the civilian public even more. (Listen to Alex Jones radio…and if that is a litmus test of where the US is going, it means trouble.)
Expect US dollar to plunge 40% against euro, forex analyst predicts
RT / BATTLE FOR WORLD – October 17, 2018: The article highlights that the US dollar could severely depreciate against the euro by 2024, says forex analyst Ulf Lindahl, chief executive officer of A.G. Bisset Associates. He says the greenback is entering the cycle of losses.
(BattleForWorld: The forex analyst Lindahl is not incorrect at all. Because in the article build titled “The Fall Of America Will Happen > Future Forecast For America“, a similar forewarning was published in March 2017. Where an outline was given detailing possible future events pending for the United States.)
If non-US investors don’t hedge against the dollar, they could face the “riskiest investment climate in 45 years,” Lindahl warns.
The analyst predicts that the dollar will fall to $2 per euro and 75 yen per dollar by the year 2024, corresponding to 41 percent and 33 percent losses, respectively.
Below are two informative videos from RT’s Keiser Report:
References – Links:
[ DE NIRO: USA has become ‘tragic dumbass comedy’ | Inside ‘billionaire bunkers’ where world’s super rich will ride out apocalypse | Rich get even richer: Forbes’ global list shows record 2,043 billionaires ]
BATTLE FOR WORLD / RUSH LIMBAUGH | June 13, 2019: The article highlights the American conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh asking the question: Have you looked at Drudge lately? Is America finished?
The radio host continues: I was perusing the Drudge page over the top of the hour break (June 12). – The Drudge page, depending on the time you look at it, I mean, it makes it look like this country’s finished, we’re done, it’s over. You may as well forget about it and just enjoy your life. Well, let me give an example. Let me just give you these headlines. Ready? “U.S. Cities Overwhelmed with Illegals from Ebola Countries.” Do you know what Ebola is? If you’ve got it, you’re dead. There’s no cure for Ebola, particularly if it’s Ebola Zaire. You get that, and it’s, “Sayonara.” There isn’t any cure.
Rush: Have you heard about this show? It’s a Sunday night show coming on HBO called Euphoria, and it’s about teenage sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll — and they have 30 penises in one episode. That’s how much frontal nudity.
Rush: “Not Funny: Letterman Says Trump Is Now ‘Psychotic’ and a ‘Soulless Bastard.‘” “Colbert Makes Another Homophobic Joke.” (laughs) “Jon Stewart Blasts Congress for Low Attendance at 9/11 Fund Hearing.” “Shock Video: Glass Sky Deck at Chicago Tower Cracks Under Visitors’ Feet.” I mean, everything is falling apart.
Rush: “CEO Confidence Drops to Lowest Level of Trump Presidency.” “Advertisers Reconsider Targeting Millennials Because They’re Broke.” (laughing) Advertisers are gonna give up trying to get Millennials to buy anything because they’re broke. “USA Ranked 128th Most Peaceful Nation.” “More Than 200 Dogs Rescued from Nightmare House, Dozens Dead.” “Tech Insider Blows Whistle on How Pinterest Listed Top Pro-Life Site…” Oh, this is an O’Keefe story. This is Project Veritas. …
Alec Baldwin: We need to overthrow the US government
UNION LEADER / BATTLE FOR WORLD – October 16, 2018: The article highlights that fresh off his first appearance of the season as President Trump on “Saturday Night Live,” actor Alec Baldwin headlined the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s inaugural Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner Sunday night at the Manchester Downtown Hotel.
“The way we implement change in America is through elections,” Baldwin said. “In that orderly way, we need to overthrow the government of the United States under Donald Trump. Not in a violent, awful way, but it must be overthrown nonetheless. Let’s make America great again, by making Donald Trump a casino operator again.”
Baldwin won an Emmy award last year for his mocking impersonation of Trump on NBC’s “SNL.” He did not appear as Trump in Manchester.
Trump May Be Deliberately Working to Drive Countries Away From US – Analyst
SPUTNIK NEWS / BATTLE FOR WORLD – September 29, 2018: The article highlights, speaking at the United Nations General Assembly this week, US President Donald Trump urged the world to respect US sovereignty while seemingly threatening to violate the sovereignty of other coutnries. Speaking to Sputnik, US geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo outlined what he believes is the fundamanetal contradiction in Trump’s worldview.
Sputnik: What is your take on Foreign Minister Lavrov’s discontent with the West’s “unilateral approach” to world politics which he said hinders the creation of a multipolar world?
Tom Luongo: I think we’ve taken a very dangerous turn here in the US, with Donald Trump and his neoconservative cabinet trying to dictate to the world exactly what we want at all stages. This just feels to me like this is the final lashings out of an empire that doesn’t understand that everybody else has already moved on, and are just trying to figure out how they can minimize the damage while they do so.
Sputnik: Do you think that this Trumpian unilateralism and resistance to the multipolar nature of the modern world is actually backfiring in some ways and causing countries to move away from the US and forming new alliances?
Tom Luongo: Yes, that’s absolutely what’s going on, and part of me almost feels like Trump is doing this on purpose. …
(BattleForWorld: Tou·ché!!! Trump is pushing countries away from the United States. This will finally lead to the draining of the swamp in Washington DC when the United States undergoes financial collapse to pull the plug on US foreign policy adventurism causing military and economic subjugation, which will cause the central hub of the United States government in Washington DC to collapse. So the financial collapse comes first from the massive US debt, and because of internal political quarreling the US government collapses, which leads to other dire problems, civil disorder, internally. And with absolute madness and shortsightedness the bible-belt Christian-Zionist neoconservatives will grab some power for territorial rule.)
Related articles:
1. Trump Guilty Of ‘Global Domination’ By Telling Other Nations How To Trade
2. The Fall Of America Will Happen
3. De-Dollarization: World Tired Of Funding US Military Adventurism
When A Country Falls, The Symbols Are The First To Go
BATTLE FOR WORLD – August 23, 2017: With the invasion of Iraq and Libyan, the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States meddling in Kiev, Ukraine, etc. the news media showed symbolic things coming down, the fall of statues. But as the people in the United States watched on, they were unaware that one day, the same events would come to the United States of America. And it has started, but the people are not yet aware of what is truly going on.
1. Here are the Confederate memorials that will be removed after Charlottesville
2. Confederate Monuments Are Coming Down Across the United States
3. Baltimore Takes Down Its Confederate Monuments
4. Confederate monuments deserve Soviet treatment
5. Confederate Statue Removed in New Orleans
6. NAACP Lexington chapter supports removal of Confederate statues
7. Youtube video list of interviews regarding the Confederate statues
Buchanan: Is America Still A Nation?
WND – July 4, 2017: In the first line of the Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson speaks of “one people.” The Constitution, agreed upon by the Founding Fathers in Philadelphia in 1789, begins, “We the people …”
And who were these “people”?
In Federalist No. 2, John Jay writes of them as “one united people … descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs. …”
If such are the elements of nationhood and peoplehood, can we still speak of Americans as one nation and one people?
We no longer have the same ancestors. They are of every color and from every country. We do not speak one language, but rather English, Spanish and a host of others. We long ago ceased to profess the same religion. We are evangelical Christians, mainstream Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Mormons, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists, agnostics and atheists.
Federalist No. 2 celebrated our unity. Today’s elites proclaim that our diversity is our strength. But is this true, or a tenet of trendy ideology?
After the attempted massacre of Republican congressmen at that ball field in Alexandria, Fareed Zakaria wrote: “The political polarization that is ripping this country apart” is about “identity … gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation (and) social class.” He might have added – religion, morality, culture and history.
Zakaria seems to be tracing the disintegration of our society to that very diversity that its elites proclaim to be its greatest attribute: “If the core issues are about identity, culture and religion … then compromise seems immoral. American politics is becoming more like Middle Eastern politics, where there is no middle ground between being Sunni or Shiite.”
Among the issues on which we Americans are at war with one another – abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, white cops, black crime, Confederate monuments, LGBT rights, affirmative action.
Was the discovery of America and conquest of this continent from 1492 to the 20th century among the most glorious chapters in the history of man? Or was it a half-millennium marked by mankind’s most scarlet of sins: the genocide of native peoples, the enslavement of Africans, the annihilation of indigenous cultures, the spoliation of a virgin land?
Is America really “God’s Country”? Or was Barack Obama’s pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, justified when, after 9/11, he denounced calls of “God Bless America!” with the curse “God Damn America!”?
With its silence, the congregation seemed to assent.
In 1954, the Pledge of Allegiance many of us recited daily at the end of noon recess in the schoolyard was amended to read, “one nation, under God, indivisible.”
Are we still one nation under God? At the Democratic Convention in Charlotte to renominate Barack Obama, a motion to put “God” back into the platform was hooted and booed by half the assembly.
With this July 4 long weekend, many writers have bewailed the animus Americans exhibit toward one another and urged new efforts to reunite us. Yet, recall again those first words of Jefferson in 1776:
“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them …”
Are we approaching such a point? Could the Constitution, as currently interpreted, win the approval of two-thirds of our citizens and three-fourth of our states, if it were not already the supreme law of the land? How would a national referendum on the Constitution turn out, when many Americans are already seeking a new constitutional convention?
All of which invites the question: Are we still a nation? And what is a nation? French writer Ernest Renan gave us the answer in the 19th century:
“A nation is a soul, a spiritual principle. Two things … constitute this soul, this spiritual principle. One is the past, the other is the present. One is the possession in common of a rich legacy of memories; the other is present consent, the desire to live together, the desire to continue to invest in the heritage that we have jointly received.
“Of all cults, that of the ancestors is the most legitimate: our ancestors have made us what we are. A heroic past with great men and glory … is the social capital upon which the national idea rests. These are the essential conditions of being a people: having common glories in the past and a will to continue them in the present; having made great things together and wishing to make them again.”
Does this sound at all like us today?
Watching our Lilliputians tearing down statues and monuments, renaming buildings and streets, rewriting history books to replace heroes and historical truths with the doings of ciphers, are we disassembling the nation we once were?
“One loves in proportion to the sacrifices that one has committed and the troubles that one has suffered,” writes Renan, “One loves the house that one has built and that one passes on.”
Are we passing on the house we inherited – or observing its demolition?
Happy Fourth. And God bless the USA. Link: Read Complete Article
DAILY MAIL – July 3, 2017: Six in 10 Americans…don’t trust…Congress and the media have even worse numbers – and hardly ANYONE trusts opinion polls…
But a new poll that identified the problem found Americans trust Congress and the news media even less.
Congress is distrusted by 68 per cent of Americans and trusted by just 29 per cent.
The media tied Congress witl 68 per cent distrust, but had far more in the ‘not at all’ column.
Thirty per cent of adults said they trust the media either ‘a good amount’ or ‘a great deal.’
Congress gets failing grades from adults in both parties, with 25 per cent of Democrats and 39 per cent of Republicans saying they trust the federal legislature. Link: Read Complete Article
Fallen Symbols: Five Other Removed Statues
BBC – August 13, 2017: In 2003, when US tanks rolled into Baghdad and ousted the government of Saddam Hussein from power there were celebrations in the main square.
Iraqi men tried to pull down a huge statue of Saddam Hussein but were unable to. US troops then joined in and used an armoured vehicle to dismantle it.
The scene was watched live on television by millions of people around the world.
In 2011, Libyan rebels took Col Muammar Gaddafi‘s Bab al-Aziziya compound in Tripoli, one of the final areas that remained in his control after an uprising.
Footage on local television showed fighters breaking off the head of a statue of the leader and kicking it along the ground.
In December 2013, anti-government protests erupted in the streets of the Ukrainian capital Kiev, after the government refused a deal on closer ties with the European Union.
Protesters, who opposed a customs union with Russia, toppled a statue of Russian revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin and smashed it with hammers.
It sparked the destruction of Lenin statues in various other Ukrainian cities..
The statue of Felix Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the first Soviet secret police force, the Cheka, was removed from Moscow’s Lubyanka Square in 1991.
It came after the collapse of a coup against the then Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev.
The Cheka was one of the former names of the KGB. Throughout the Communist era it was responsible for abducting, torturing and killing many thousands of people. Link: Read Complete Article
Special operations boom years may be coming to a close; US preparing for inter-state strategic competition
YAHOO – September 13, 2018: The article highlights that Congress and the Pentagon want to rein in and reorient America’s vaunted special operations forces, perhaps relegating them to the supporting roles they played before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
For the past 17 years, special operations forces have been at the forefront of America’s military campaigns in Afghanistan, the Middle East and Africa. They took the lead in toppling the Taliban after the Sept. 11 attacks, reversing the gains of al-Qaida in Iraq, and capturing or killing thousands of militants, from Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen to Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. During that period, their strength has grown from about 45,000 personnel in 2001 to roughly 70,000, and they are now leading the fight against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. (BattleForWorld: You think?)
Congress and the Pentagon are trying to bring more oversight to special operations forces while reorienting them away from combating militants and toward fighting more traditional nation-states.
Congress made its view clear in this year’s defense authorization bill, which President Trump signed into law on Aug. 13. The Pentagon’s 14-page unclassified summary of this year’s National Defense Strategy does not mention special operations, and says that “inter-state strategic competition, not terrorism, is now the primary concern in U.S. national security.” (BattleForWorld: It appears as if the United States is preparing for “civil unrest” inside states. So they are aware that it’s coming, and only the people are naive.)
CrossTalk: Civic Breakdown in America?
RT – September 14, 2018: With the advent of the Trump presidency much has been said about America’s cultural wars, even a new civil war. The country is clearly divided. But Trump didn’t do this on his own. There are two Americas. Can both co-exist? (Note: Youtube is censoring videos and channels. The title of the video is “CrossTalk: Civic Breakdown?”)
(In the “enhanced”, Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, the free PDF book, refer to page 1162 and read about the long ago prediction regarding The Fall of America. Civil wars, refer to pages 667, 693, 1140, 1486. Other excerpts referring to America, refer to pages 1072, 1084, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1130, 1132, 1133, 1137, 1139, 1143, 1144, 1145 and also check the “table of contents”. Version 5.xx-2017 (UPDATED), PDF Format – Link: > Download from MediaFire)
U.S. University announces safe space for white students
CAMPUS REFORM – September 14, 2018: The University of Maryland at College Park announced Friday (September 14) a new diversity support group to create a “safe space” for white students to discuss their feelings about “interactions with racial and ethnic minorities.”
The support group, called “White Awake,” will help white students who may “sometimes feel uncomfortable and confused before, during, or after interactions with racial and ethnic minorities.”
“This group offers a safe space for White students to explore their experiences, questions, reactions, and feelings,” the description explains. “Members will support and share feedback with each other as they learn more about themselves and how they can fit into a diverse world.”
‘White Awake’: US college under fire for creating ‘safe space’ for white students (DEBATE)
RT – September 17, 2018: The US University of Maryland has issued leaflets inviting white students to join a group called ‘White Awake’ to discuss race issues. The Campus Counseling Center has now removed the flyers, insisting they were misunderstood. It has also changed the group’s name to ‘Anti-Racism and Ally Building Group’. People are divided on the issue. (Note: Youtube is censoring videos and channels. The title of the video is “’White Awake’: US college under fire for creating ‘safe space’ for white students (DEBATE)”)
Tired of the political divide in America? Don’t worry, it’s going to get much worse
RT / BATTLE FOR WORLD – October 2, 2018: The article highlights that politically and culturally [in the United States], the gulf between left and right, Democrat and Republican, seems to be widening day by day and according to one new study, you ain’t seen nothing yet as today’s polarization comes from strong but extremely hostile relations between both sides, the researchers argue.
Political polarization is even worse than most people think, argues a new Michigan State University study. Rather than being a new, Donald Trump-era phenomenon, as many in the media seem to think, the researchers found that today’s hyper-polarized political landscape is a problem that’s been growing for almost five decades.
“What I’ve found is that polarization has been steadily getting worse since the early 1970s,” said researcher Zachary Neal. “Today, we’ve hit the ceiling on polarization. At these levels, it will be difficult to make any progress on social or economic policies.”
The professor, Glenn Harlan Reynolds, wrote that part of the problem now is that Americans don’t feel social ties which transcend politics. It’s all us vs. them — and nothing in between. He argues that churches, fraternal organizations and neighborhoods used to cross political lines, but that this America has “shrunk and decayed” and people are increasingly finding their identity only in politics.
“This study raises new questions about the future of Congressional politics,” Neal said. “In truth, the only thing that is bi-partisan in Congress is the trend toward greater polarization.”