UFO Disclosure Psyop EXPOSED – Fake Alien Invasion Pending

THEALEXJONESCHANNEL – December 29, 2107: Jon Rappoport exposes the psychological operation behind the Pentagons recent ‘release’ of top secret UFO intelligence.


UFO Disclosure – Part 1: Alien Invasion Groundwork, Threat Pending Before The Destruction Of People And Regions

BATTLEFORWORLD – January 1, 2018: When the term “Alien Invasion” is repeated in the media the interpretation by most people is that extraterrestrials from another planet is coming to Earth to carryout warfare/subversion activities and instantly the very thought invokes fear and anxiety in the minds of people.

Paving the way for disclosure: On December 16, 2017 Luis Elizondo the representative of “To The Stars Academy” disclosed in a New York Times interview about the government funding UFO research to find out if the unknown objects posed a “threat” to Earth. And along with the information is a cockpit video from an F-18 fighter jet said to be released by the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, the Pentagon, but the video was first aired on Bob Knapp’s KLAS television show I-Team and is alleged to have come from Elizondo, a former director of the Pentagon’s Aerospace Identification Program.

Importantly, it should be noted that the disclosure did not come from the US Government directly, but from people outside government. And Elizondo has had an ongoing project to raise funds to develop space technologies. This orchestration could have been a stunt to direct traffic to his website funding page to which he has already raised $2.2 million dollars. So you have a private body outside government, releasing UFO information, spinning the disclosure release as if the US government gave tacit approval. This is very strange and dangerous. It makes one ask the question if Luis Elizondo and Robert Bigelow are tied into the Deep State establishment. Link: Read Complete Article


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