1. United States On The Edge – Part 2
Poll: 92% of Republican Voters think the election was rigged! Mark Zuckerberg involved?
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 17, 2020: President Trump tweeted Tuesday the following: “Poll: 92% of Republican Voters think the election was rigged!”
The conservative Amistad Project is reporting that Facebook founder and CEO’s Chan-Zuckerberg Foundation gave $300 million to two NGOs, supposedly to fund COVID-safe mass mail-in balloting in the November 3 2020 presidential and Congress elections. But the project says that the money was used to target strongly Democrat-voting areas in a bid to influence the result.
And the Amistad Project said that it would bring a lawsuit based on its report, published on Wednesday (December 16), in which it would detail how Zuckerberg and others funneled in total of $500 million through five foundations and 20 NGOs to city governments – supposedly to keep voters safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The figure is said to be as much as $1 billion funded to Democrat president-elect Joe Biden to spend on what turned out to be his lacklustre election campaign. The group argues that Zuckerberg’s funding help deprived voters of a “free and fair” election, because it was targeting Democrat-supporting areas and individuals – which created a “two-tiered election system”.
“The 2020 election witnessed a coordinated and concerted effort funded by Mr. Zuckerberg and other high-tech interests to use government to improperly influence the election for Joe Biden,” noted Amistad Project Director Phill Kline.
And further said, “Polling data revealed this coordinated assault on in-person voting generally favored Democrat Party voters who preferred to vote in advance, while placing Republicans, who preferred to vote in person, at a disadvantage,” and it has ironically echoed the pre-election liberal media narrative of a ‘red mirage’ of an early Trump lead erased by the late counting of mail-in vote ballots.
“Many counties and states are strapped financially and working to determine how to staff and fund operations that will allow for ballots to be cast and counted in a timely way,” claimed Zuckerberg and Chan at the time. And that there donations would help to provide local and state officials across the United States with the infrastructure necessary for resources and training to ensure that every voter who intends to cast a ballot is able to, to preserve the integrity of the US elections.
“This report paints a clear picture of a cabal of billionaires and activists using their wealth to subvert, control, and fundamentally alter the electoral system itself,’ said Kline of the Amistad Project. Further adding that “We must act now to prevent such privatized elections in the future. The American public deserves transparent and fair elections, not lawless elections directed by powerful private interests.”
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Warns Of ‘Violence Or Civil Unrest’ After Election.
Zuckerberg and the ‘dark dollars’ that tilted November 3rd.
Source, Sputnik.
The first civil war pending – from election discord
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 14, 2020: All the markings for the first civil war in the United States are now developing. The growing discord as a result of fraud in the 2020 presidential election is going to result in uprising, i.e. civil unrest, eventually sparking the first civil war.
A long time source: Things are starting to heat up.
Joe Biden will be president January 20
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 13, 2020: All the Trump supporters out there most likely do not want to hear this, but Joe Biden will be sworn in as president January 20, 2021.
According to one of my long time sources, what little they could say, is that Joe Biden will not last, that he will exit – and the word “sacrifice” was used. – The election fraud is well-known about and no one wants to decide the case in the courts as far as overturning the election results in favor of Trump because they all fear civil unrest/war breaking out between the Democrats and the Republicans in the United States.
What they are going to do is go about addressing the problem in a different way that will force a constitutional crisis. – Lots of drama and weird news reporting.
(BattleForWorld: Election fraud in the United States did not just start to happen in the Trump-Biden election, it has been going on for decades!!! since the 1970s and commonly used in state congressional voting. – And a rift is developing inside BLM [Black Lives Matters.] – If Dr. Steve Pieczenick appears on Alex Jones’ InfoWar radio saying more stuff about the Trump election, give him no attention. For those who are still holding on for a Trump victory, the courts will not overturn the results.)
Civil unrest on the rise in America
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | September 26, 2020: The U.S. government, state governors and activists are warning about the possibility of civil unrest in various parts of the United States.
As days go by with media, pundits, activists and groups stirring the disorder of volatile cocktail ingredients as segments of the population fight over the presidential election, racism, abortion, the coronavirus chaos, etc. coupled with calls to action by social media, in a time of stress during the pandemic is causing many people to go unhinged.
The state of Portland, Oregon is already suffering from fires and protests as unrests continue between right and left wing activists, and adding fuel to the conflict are “far-right groups from around the country bringing guns, flags, bulletproof vests,” according to a report from the N.Y. Times.
From Facebook to YouTube to the U.S. military precautions and preparedness are being taken for post-election civil unrest exploding as Democrats and Republicans voice all sorts of craziness.
State Police on duty in the United States.
(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 1, “enhanced” the free PDF book: Download and read about states will ever more fall into civil unrest, page 1410. America as a One World Power falls, civil wars, page 419. Two terrible civil wars will break out in America – (the ruling elites are behind it), page 667. The year 1987 mentions Civil Wars in America, pages 693, 1486. The Globalists often instigate gladiatorial theaters [i.e., civil wars] where the people relentlessly kill each other, page 835. The future new coming wars, triggered worldwide through the blame of America – (the ruling elites are behind it), page 1097. USA, as is tradition, will do everything to overthrow foreign governments – (the ruling elites are behind it), page 1133. US state-powerful ones live in the delusion, war-like operations into the concerns of foreign states and to plunder the “conquered”, page 1133. The USA in foreign countries will cause many state systems to break down and lead to civil wars and terrorist wars – (the ruling elites are behind it), page 1140. The USA brings the most modern terrible weapons into Europe – (the ruling elites are behind it), page 1415. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. UPDATED, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Book – Volume 1)
Trump will leave office like the rest of the presidents
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 24, 2020: Both sides of the political parties, Democrat and Republican, fear CIVIL UNREST across the United States if the election is undone in the way the public would like to see it happen. There won’t be any big court decision to overturn the US presidential election. The fraud is too big to expose!
The US and parts of the world are moving into a new era, the Lockdown phase, because of the corona-virus, put in place to control the people… – to bring about some type of RESET – which include a lot of things that the public will not be told about at first and will only begin to understand bits, as parts of the RESET unfolds. There’s going to be a lot of disappointments and sadness for the majority. We are in the era of jumping-jack leadership, i.e. flip-flopping decision making. – Democracy? What’s that? For the time being it was a nice make-believe ism fed to the people dressed up in all forms of niceness.
Trump’s problem was, he’s not a politician, Joe Biden is. Trump is a businessman. In pandemic times there’s not much you can do to grow the economy.
With Joe Biden coming in, expect lots and lots of bullshit and unconventional things. The United States is entering a geriatric leadership phase with a side nurse. That says a lot about what is coming.
Biden = Bye or By the end
Harris = Harass – plague, pester, torment
People, you have been letdown by the politicians and media. Time to think about your security and protection in pandemic times.
Biden’s Old Guard and War Hawks – A New War Awaits or Diplomacy?
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 16, 2020: Although the U.S. 2020 presidential election is over, it’s not yet official as to who the winner is. However, Joe Biden is wasting no time and is forming his team – placing people who are known war hawks to continue the United States Foreign Policy of endless wars.
Already on the edge about a Biden administration, U.K. military chief Gen. Nick Carter has warned that there is global uncertainty that could lead to another world war. That an escalation in regional tension and error of judgement could ultimately lead to widespread conflict.
President Trump new acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller is preparing to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, saying the conflict “isn’t over,” but adding that “all wars must end.” “This is the critical phase in which we transition our efforts from a leadership to supporting role,” said Miller on Friday (November 13) in a letter to all Department of Defense employees. “We are not a people of perpetual war. It is the antithesis of everything for which we stand and for which our ancestors fought. All wars must end.”
An old fixture in United States geopolitics, Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, knows what’s coming down the war path, and has issued a warning to the incoming Biden administration, that it should move quickly to restore lines of communication with China that unraveled during the Trump years or risk a crisis that could escalate into military conflict.
Clearly the Deep State wants wars with China and Iran, but Trump keeps delaying the wars. Can Biden materialize these goals? Will the Deep State push him to start a conflict with China or start a peace dialogue instead? Israel will definitely want to bomb Iran under Biden.
China remains cautious, and on Monday (November 9), their Foreign Ministry spokesman Mr. Wang did not offer congratulations, but said China has noted Mr. Biden’s claim of victory.
Chinese academics assessment was that Beijing was being cautious, given that President Trump hasn’t conceded defeat, while his campaign has filed legal challenges to the vote counts in several states. With Trump as president U.S.-China relations slumped to their lowest level in decades as the administration charted a path to war with Beijing over trade, technological competition and other issues.
While a Biden administration might cool down the rhetoric on China, it will turn up the heat on Russia!, because the war hawks in that administration says the evidence shows Russia is the real danger. But for the “cool down on China” to happen, the US Deep State is going to want China to agree to decouple from Russia. To begin a new phase of isolation against Russia.
And then you have the timely coronavirus appearing on the world’s stage – will it be used as a geopolitical weapon? Some say Yes!
( Note, nothing was mentioned about life improving for Americans under Biden. It will continue to degrade under a Biden administration. The focus will be on Foreign Policy first, and America second or third.)
The return of the Liberal War Hawks?
Trump Says ‘We Will Be Intervening’ in Texas Election Case at Supreme Court
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 9, 2020: The US President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that his legal team would now get involved in an election lawsuit filed by the state of Texas in the Supreme Court in a bid to overturn projected President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in four other states.
We will be INTERVENING in the Texas (plus many other states) case. This is the big one. Our Country needs a victory!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2020
US Supreme Court Orders 4 States to Reply to Texas Election Lawsuit By December 10
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 9, 2020: The Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton claimed that four states willfully exploited the coronavirus pandemic “to justify ignoring federal and state election laws”, for the purpose of trying to alter the outcome of the US presidential elections.
The states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have been ordered by the US Supreme Court to respond by Thursday (December 10) to a lawsuit filed by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, to ban the four states from participating in the Electoral College after they went ahead and certified Joe Biden’s victory, said the court document.
“Response to the motion for leave to file a bill of complaint and to the motion for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order or, alternatively, for stay and administrative stay requested, due Thursday, December 10, by 3 pm”, according to the court document filed Tuesday.
The lawsuit filed argues that state officials usurped their legislature authority when they enacted election laws to allow for mail-in voting. That the laws created a system in which voters were treated differently, with more favorable circumstances allocated to local state governments under Democratic control, according to the court filing.
The filing also argues that the “appearance of voting irregularities” in the four states is consistent with the “unconstitutional relaxation of ballot-integrity protections” in the election laws of those states.
United States Supreme Court – Trump, and the Democratic Party election fraud.
Will the voter fraud dam crack in Georgia?
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 8, 2020: South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is warning Georgia’s Governor Kemp that there’s a GOP ‘Civil War Brewing’ in his state.
The senator was once an anti-Trump Republican, but turned key presidential ally, and has even pumped cash into Trump’s election legal fund and encouraged him to run again in 2024 if his voter fraud challenge fails.
Graham appeared on Fox News on Monday night (December 7) and said the following: “If you’re not fighting for Trump now when he needs you the most as a Republican leader in Georgia, people are not going to fight for you when you ask them to get reelected.”
He warns that “There’s a civil war brewing in Georgia for no good reason. It’s not unreasonable to ask the legislature to come back in and order an audit of the signatures in the presidential race to see if the system worked. What is unreasonable is to sit on your a** and do nothing when you’ve got a chance to save the country.”
And that “The governor of Georgia could call a legislative session into being tomorrow and go ahead and audit the signatures so we’d have confidence in the presidential outcome.” Graham echoes the president’s claims suggesting that Trump “got screwed over with the mail-in voting system in Georgia.” But Georgia’s Governor Kemp has publicly rejected calls for a special session of the legislature over the matter.
President Trump tweeted the following on December 5:
I will easily & quickly win Georgia if Governor @BrianKempGA or the Secretary of State permit a simple signature verification. Has not been done and will show large scale discrepancies. Why are these two “Republicans” saying no? If we win Georgia, everything else falls in place!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 5, 2020
Intelligence Insider: Joe Biden Will Cut Deal With Trump To Avoid Jail And Deep State Arrests To Follow
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 7, 2020: According to Dr. Steve Pieczenik: …This is a sting operation out of cyber command. The left is ineffective, corrupt individuals who has been in power for 30 to 40 years, and have destroyed… This wasn’t an accident, it was already preplanned. When Trump came in he did a national emergency order…2019…the will and the power is there as well as the forces.
…We have cyber designations on every ballot as well as every machine – we know where they are. We knew about Dominion, we know about SmartMatic – we have already deployed countless number of soldiers all over the United States. I think in Fort Hood, Texas and other places – there will be major deployment of American soldiers.
We are not relying on local police, we are literally relying on our military to basically cull-out what the CIA and other sulcular institutions have been doing in terms of running this country.
The corruption was well know by Trump. It was also known by many of us in military intelligence and other areas way back in terms of Hillary Clinton, that’s why she did not come in and we are running now the sting operation. So Trump is there to stay, he’s not going anywhere. And in the Georgia speech he made clear that there’s no way that he’s leaving; there’s no way he will allow any of this corruption to continue. And Basically what he’s doing is a revolution and that’s really what we’re in. I don’t want to call it a Second Civil War, but basically it is a state of emergency so to speak where Trump anticipated this, used our braved men in the intelligence community to preempt Joe Biden and all the other people of the Democratic side. I think Biden understands this. I think he had a pretty good idea that he’s under indictment, his son (Hunter Biden) is – and my suspicion is that Joe Biden will resign as will his son because either or both might go to prison. My suspicion is Trump will remain, he will be president for the next 8 years – and Biden will concede and somewhere there will be remuneration.
Owen: You said 8 years. Is that intentional?
Pieczenik: Yes. It’s not a Floydian slip. I do not believe in Floyd.
Owen: So is that based on the fact that for 4 years they have been sabotaging the Trump agenda with all their fraud? (i.e. Russiagate, the Steele dossier, etc.) Is that how he would legitimized 4 more years?
Pieczenik: It’s not just 4 more years of his administration, he would legitimized it simply because he came in understanding very well that he was there to become the best president we have ever had …And he knows that he could not have accomplished everything he wanted in the first 4 years. So he needs another 4 years and he wants to position Pence and others in the Republican Party to have another 4 years beyond that. So what I’m talking about is not just another 4 years and the past 4 years, – I am talking about another 8 years. And that’s exactly what he has in mind.
Trump is the first president in the 21th century to say, I will not allow any form of corruption to exist in our voting system. Simple as that. And I will remain in power.
President Trump utilized all the men and women in our intelligence community and the White House…special forces – these are names I told you about before but they are quiet, these are the real heroes… And as Adam Curry said on one of his shows, they are not going to televise The Revolution. …
Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 4, 2020: Released video footage from the state of Georgia showing suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table AFTER supervisors told poll workers to leave the room and 4 people stayed behind to continue counting votes. A breach of protocol.
The video shown to the Georgia Senate Committee revealed election-poll staff pulling out suitcases of ‘extra ballots’.
The Georgia Senate Committee hearing held on Thursday (November 3), a witness presented herself as a “volunteer” to the Trump legal team and a lawyer, Jackie Pick, showed what she described as “evidence” of election fraud in the state.
“According to the witnesses, the Republican observers, there is a lady… who comes up to announce we’re going to stop counting, everyone go home”, Pick described the video. “And in fact, we see that what happens is everyone clears out, including the Republican observers and the press, but four people stay behind and continue counting and tabulating well into the night. And they will continue counting, unobserved, unsupervised, not in public view, as your stature requires, until about 1 in the morning”, said the volunteer witness.
WATCH: Video footage from Georgia shows suitcases filled with ballots pulled from under a table AFTER supervisors told poll workers to leave room and 4 people stayed behind to keep counting votes
— Team Trump (@TeamTrump) December 3, 2020
Dominion Voting Machine Fraud in the US Exposed
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 3, 2020: How the United States mass-media played an important role in controlling the narrative, brainwashing large segments of the population. And in the aftermath literally overnight many Americans lost hope in the security of their country’s election process. Middle of the night ballot dumps, glitches, and secret vote counting are raising suspension.
The culprit is identified as the Dominion Voting Software used in the United States 2020 presidential election to switch votes in order to push Joe Biden ahead into winning the swing states, etc.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 3, 2020
Trump: The FBI and the Department of Justice…Involved
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 29, 2020: “This is a terrible thing that’s happened. The mail-in ballots are a disaster, they sent millions and millions and millions of mail-in ballots – I am sure you know people that got two, three or four, because I do. …Dead people received ballots, but even worse, dead people were applying to get a ballot, and we are not talking about ten people – there are a lot of dead people that so-called voted in this [2020] election…, but also dead people made application to vote – they were dead ten years, fifteen years, and they actually made application. This is total fraud and how the FBI and the Department of Justice…, – I don’t know, maybe they are involved. But how people are allowed to get away with this stuff is unbelievable. THIS ELECTION WAS RIGGED!!! THIS ELECTION WAS A TOTAL FRAUD!”, said Trump on Twitter.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 29, 2020
November 29, Joe Biden, according to the news headline story from AP: “Biden fractures foot while playing with dog, to wear a boot”, here.
( How convenient.)
Trump says Biden will only enter the White House if he disproves accusations of fraud
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 27, 2020: President Trump posted on his Twitter page what he expects from Joe Biden before he enters the White House. That Biden can only become president of the US if he manages to prove that his supposed election win was not due to fraud, said Trump.
The Twitter post from Trump said: “Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous “80,000,000 votes” were not fraudulently or illegally obtained. When you see what happened in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia & Milwaukee, massive voter fraud, he’s got a big unsolvable problem!”.
President Trump Answers Reporter Questions for First Time About the Election, Fraud, etc.
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 26, 2020: NewsNow from Fox – President Trump said Thursday that he would leave office if the Electoral College votes for President-elect Joe Biden, but also alleged “massive fraud” in the vote count and promised to keep up with his legal fight.
President Trump answering questions.
Special dates of concern regarding the US 2020 presidential election
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 26, 2020: The dates are from another long time source. They are dates of concern regarding Joe Biden and Trump, concerning all the shenanigans around the 2020 presidential election twists and turns. December 1, 2020 is the start date of beginning activity, into January 21 – rash/rush decision, the stepping down, etc.
An important number coded as 391, – the 9 is also inverted into the number 6.
Joe Biden will be arrested by January 2021
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 25, 2020: Out of Florida, the news host of TruNews, Rick Wiles, was told by one of his politician sources close to the Trump campaign people, who’s in contact with a member of the Trump family – and Wiles summarizes what he was told:
Rick Wiles: …The donors were asking my friend last night and today, what’s up? I (i.e., one of the donors) can’t write another check until I know what’s going on. So he’s trying to get information… He received a phone call last night (Nov. 23) from a current member of a national security office, I’m not going to name the office. I’m just going to say a government office in Washington DC involved in national security. That person is still employed there… This man told my friend last night that the Justice Department has the bank wires (documents) from China money to Hunter Biden, and then Hunter Biden to Joe Biden. That they have all; he said, all of the wires. All of the transfers of money from China…
Co-host 1: The money transfers that Tony Bobulinski said exists (video, here).
Co-host 2: Who was head of the company.
Rick Wiles: …So this gentleman told my friend last night that Mr. Joe Biden will not be sworn in as president. He will be arrested. …And that Mr. Biden is preparing to “capitulate”. Not concede, which means I lost, but capitulate, which means I surrender. I am not going to fight.
Co-host 1: Think of the optics of that. Of him being handcuffed and put into a federal agent’s car.
Rick Wiles: …He’s going to be arrested with his son, according to this man (his source). So what I said was, well they are going to make Kamala Harris the president. He said, no they are not. … The Electoral College ratifies the president, and that they are not ratifying the vice president, but the person elected president of the United States. If Joe Biden is arrested before the Electoral College meets, there’s nobody to ratify other than Donald J. Trump.
Co-host 1: He’s the only one on the ticket.
Rick Wiles: …He said, this national security man to my friend, that this has never happened before and we are in dangerous waters. I asked my friend, does President Trump know these things? And he said, “I don’t know.” …My friend talked to a member of the Trump family and told him, and the family member did not know about any of this stuff going on. …It is conservable that this is at such a high level of national security that even the president doesn’t know about it.
Co-host 1: Yeah, but the donor knew about it.
Rick Wiles: Because he was told by a person in the national security. That’s how. – It’s also possible that the president knowns about it and it is the highest secret and the reason why he’s not fighting, is there’s no reason to fight. He’s just biding time. – And Joe is going to be biding a lot of time in a federal slammer if this is true.
That may explain Mr. Trump’s attitude right now. Like, just wait. And that’s what this man said to my friend.
(BattleForWorld: One of my long time sources, a member of the elite class, said a few weeks ago, that Trump will be president! – meaning, his second term. He said the arrests are coming but Trump has to first put himself into a powerful position.)
Co-host 1: Then why all the lawsuits?
Rick Wiles: Rudy Giuliani doesn’t even know about it (the private information)…
Co-host 1: This would be not just an unprecedented development, but would change the history of this nation.
Rick Wiles: I asked my friend, why did Rudy Giuliani sit on that laptop for a year and do nothing with it? …Something else that came out, I can’t verify this: I said to my friend, nobody talk about the other two laptops. …He said, Hunter Biden stole the two laptops from his business partners. They weren’t taken to the shop to be repaired, they were taken to the shop to be held. – Why would he steal the laptops other than blackmail? …
TruNews video link, here. Starts 39-minutes into the broadcast.
Rick Wiles of TruNews.
Trump: Our big lawsuit, which spells out in great detail all of the ballot fraud
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 25, 2020: Donald J. Trump posted on Twitter that the – Poll: 79 Percent of Trump Voters Believe ‘Election Was Stolen’, according to BreitbartNews.
Trump said on Twitter, “They are 100% correct, but we are fighting hard. Our big lawsuit, which spells out in great detail all of the ballot fraud and more, will soon be filled. RIGGED ELECTION!”
The media must prepare viewers for Trump win
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 18, 2020: NewsMax’s Greg Kelly: The networks and the mainstream media are so invested in President Donald Trump loosing because they said it a week and a half ago. They keep writing that his supporters are a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists and this election thing is over. It’s not! And it could be reversed and that’s where potentially it gets dangerous.
So, a week ago Saturday, they called the election for Joe Biden; they (the Associated Press [AP]) had no business calling it for Joe Biden, but they did; but it does not work that way. For a while there, the Trump side thought they loss, but they looked at it closer and realized, no. This is not over yet.
What many are worried about is, they (the media) have to start preparing the public for this thing being reversed. The public understand that on some level, because the boarded up shops are still boarded up. This thing is not over. And the mainstream media, they should be responsible and get people ready for a potential reversal. You (the media) are not the authority on this one. Anything can happen. Video link, here.
The media must prepare viewers…
Accusations of voter fraud is nothing new in US election history
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 15, 2020: Republicans are being warned that supporting Trump’s fraud allegations are putting democracy ‘on a dangerous path’ according to the former President Barack Obama, a Democrat. But the US election system has been questioned for decades about voter fraud.
During the George W. Bush and Al Gore voter recount in Florida, no major law firms in the state would work for Gore; even Democratic oriented law firms, because they were afraid of antagonizing the Bush Family, the Governor Jeb Bush and losing important state business.
( If the Deep State is having difficulty animating Trump into new geopolitical wars, to further United States hegemony, President Trump is of no use to them, and Biden is much more malleable to return the US back to its ‘Forever war’ Foreign Policy. The US War Hawks are coming back in force? And how the corona-virus pandemic is going to influence Biden’s…pending wars?)
Brief history of US election controversy.
President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing 2020 Election!
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 5, 2020: Dr. Steve Pieczenick appeared on the Alex Jones’ radio show The War Room today with some breaking news: Yes it’s really a “sting operation”, contrary to what everybody else said. President Trump knew this was happening; Eric [Trump] knew this was happening and warned the public, and I (Pieczenick) knew this was happening. However, I could not say anything about it (the Sting Operation against the Democrats to catch them in the act).
What happened was, we watermarked every ballot with what’s called the QFS-blockchain encryption code. In other words, we know pretty well where every ballot is. Where it went and who has it. So this is not a stoned-election, on the contrary. We reversed the entire game of war along the lines on Sun Tzu, the Art of War, and Trump was brilliant, and still is brilliant at it. The reason why he haven’t been seen and Alex correctly said, “Oh I haven’t seen him in several days.” Well, in the Art of War, you pull back and allow your enemy to make all the mistakes that they are making, manipulate the situation and then come in for the final killing. And that’s what happening now. …
Owen: Are arrests inevitably coming down the road? – Pieczenick: Yes. They are coming not just down the road, they are being implemented. What you saw, Corey Lewandowski and Pam Bondi, saying, when they were in Lake County, as well a Philadelphia, that was not just a threat, that was exactly what’s going to happen, and people will be arrested as of tonight, tomorrow, and it will go on for quite a while…
The first video link, the interview, here.
Dr. Steve Pieczenick highlights continue of the “Sting Operation” against the Democrats.
Donald Trump Jr. Urges POTUS to Go to ‘Total War’ to ‘Expose Fraud, Cheating’ of 2020 Election
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 6, 2020: As the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in the United States stalled from the ongoing vote count in a number of remaining states, President Donald Trump, who is trailing his Democratic opponent Joe Biden by 50 electoral college votes, has put forth claims of widespread voter fraud in ballot-casting, and that the Democrats want to rob him of the election.
Donald Trump Jr. publicly urged his father to “fight to the death” in the US election, and reiterates POTUS’ claims of election ‘fraud’, on Thursday, speaking at a news conference at the Georgia Republican Party Headquarters in Atlanta. And said the following:
“I think the number one thing Donald Trump can do in this election is fight each and every one of these battles to the death so that we get full transparency in the process… And everyone on the Democrat side should welcome this unless they are actually cheating.” And that “We know that’s against the law but you get in front of a Democrat judge and a Democrat city with Democrat control and it’s okay. I think the Democrats are used to this from a Republican Party that hasn’t had a backbone – you’re not going to see that this time around,” as crowd of supporters cheers. “Does anyone believe that this is possible? Because it’s not, it’s a statistical impossibility. It’s happened not just once, it’s happened over and over again. Americans need to know that this is not a banana republic and right now very few people have faith that’s not the case.”
Twitter is censoring postings.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2020
Source, Sputnik News.
Archbishop Viganò: An Open Letter Warning President Trump As The Election Approaches. Joe Biden is a Globalist Puppet, as is Bill Gates. COVID-xx has a Globalist agenda.
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 7, 2020: It must be really bad, because even the Vatican employee Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò is rebuking Joe Biden, Bill Gates, etc.
The archbishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from October 16, 2011 to April 12, 2016. And also previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State from July 16, 2009 to September 3, 2011.
On November 4 Archbishop Viganò said: “We have seen the Deep State organize itself, well in advance, to carry out the most colossal electoral fraud in history, in order to ensure the defeat of the man [President Donald Trump].
He was also in the news in 2018 when Globalist forces in the United States tried to use him to oust Pope Frances. Maybe this is the Vatican’s way of getting back at the Globalists?
Highlights from the open letter to President Trump, Viganò warns:
“Mister President, … – A global plan called the Great Reset[1] is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201[2], promoting their agenda.”
( [1]For more information about the Global Reset Plan, go here – leaked by a source from Canada. [2]The Lockdown, Event 201, go here.)
“The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.”
“Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021. For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic. You are well aware of the means that have been deployed to sow panic and legitimize draconian limitations on individual liberties, artfully provoking a world-wide economic crisis. In the intentions of its architects, this crisis will serve to make the recourse of nations to the Great Reset irreversible, thereby giving the final blow to a world whose existence and very memory they want to completely cancel. But this world, Mr. President, includes people, affections, institutions, faith, culture, traditions, and ideals: people and values that do not act like automatons, who do not obey like machines, because they are endowed with a soul and a heart, because they are tied together by a spiritual bond…”
“Until a few months ago, it was easy to smear as “conspiracy theorists” those who denounced these terrible plans, which we now see being carried out down to the smallest detail. No one, up until last February, would ever have thought that, in all of our cities, citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, to want to keep their business open…”
“Around you are gathered with faith and courage those who consider you the final garrison against the world dictatorship. The alternative is to vote for a person who is manipulated by the deep state, gravely compromised by scandals and corruption, who will do to the United States what Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doing to the Church, Prime Minister Conte to Italy, President Macron to France, Prime Minster Sanchez to Spain, and so on. The blackmailable nature of Joe Biden – just like that of the prelates of the Vatican’s “magic circle” – will expose him to be used unscrupulously, allowing illegitimate powers to interfere in both domestic politics as well as international balances. It is obvious that those who manipulate him already have someone worse than him ready, with whom they will replace him as soon as the opportunity arises.”
“This Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights, to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren. The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light.”
The complete open letter can be read, here.
Archbishop Vigano and President Trump.
Biden campaign threatens to ESCORT Trump from White House if he refuses to concede
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 6, 2020: The Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, his campaign has warned President Donald Trump that their government is willing to physically remove Trump from the White House after reports that he will refuse to concede – due to election fraud by the Democrats.
“The US government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House,” said Biden’s director of rapid response, Andrew Bates, to Fox on Friday, announcing that “the American people will decide this election.”*
(BattleForWorld: *By using fraudulent ballots?)
Source, RT.
Pennsylvania postal worker goes PUBLIC with allegations – reporting to Project Veritas that postmaster ordered backdating of ballots
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 6, 2020: Project Veritas interviews a US Postal Service employee who has gone public with allegations that the Erie, Pennsylvania, postmaster ordered mail-in ballots that came in after Election Day to be backdated to Nov. 3 in order to make them appear legal.
The whistleblower, postal employee Richard Hopkins, alleged that he overheard Postmaster Robert Weisenbach Jr. speaking to another employee on Thursday regarding ballots that were to be backdated. According to the account by Hopkins, Weisenbach said most of the ballots that arrived at the post office on Wednesday, the day after the election, had been backdated to Tuesday, but one ballot was mistakenly stamped with the accurate date, Nov. 4.
BREAKING: Pennsylvania @USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Goes Public; Confirms Federal Investigators Have Spoken With Him About Postmaster Rob Weisenbach’s Order To Backdate Ballots To November 3rd, 2020#ExposeUSPS
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 6, 2020
Source, RT.
Joe Biden: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive fraud organization in…American politics”
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | November 6, 2020: Did Joe Biden Freudian slip when he said: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”? And at the end of the video raising his two hands. Video clip, here.
But according to Reuters, Biden was describing the “voter protection program”, his campaign has launched, in anticipation of potential legal fights over the outcome of the November 3 election against President Donald Trump.*
( *So we have buzz phrases here, “voter protection program”, “over the outcome of the November 3 election”. Here Biden seems to be expressing foresight? What did he know at the time? Did any other presidential candidate years prior formed such an organization? So you have Biden forming a fraud organization, and Trump secretly setting up a sting to catch voter fraud. – Strange. Something is not coherent here. One thing is certain, “fraud” was of concern. Joe Biden needs to make clear to the American public what did his organization accomplish. Trump has already stated the goal of his operation – was to catch voter fraud. – Review synonyms for the word “protection”: buffer, cushion, keeping, etc.)
Joe Biden announcing fraud organization.
President Trump vows to designate KKK, Antifa as terrorist groups
BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | September 26, 2020: Two groups often linked to the Democratic party, the KKK and Antifa, and with civil unrest spreading throughout the United States, President Donald Trump has announced plans to designate them as terrorist organizations on Friday (Sept. 25), an idea he has voiced since 2019. And it is expected he would make this happen through executive orders.
Trump even posted a tweet on his Twitter page saying “The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization,” at the end of May (2020).
It is predictable how Deep State media will first ignore, then deny and finally go flippin crazy over the evidence of REAL vote fraud.
bullshit biden is a communist spy and will never be in charge……………..
trump won baby it on illumanti cards and nostardamus foretold it and baba vanga and others also on torah code and bible code trump is elected soon… landslide win he has the servers from germany. trump got 410 electors and also the popular votes.
That is from “Dr. Steve Pieczenik” on InfoWars. And the postings say that.
You got it wrong buddy!! Sorry to tell you. Your deep sources are not deep enough.
The air will be thinner for Trump if he doesn’t hit the table soon … Freedom costs, power cannot be obtained from the judiciary. The man was a submissive awkward boxing doll for 4 years everyone was allowed to hit it without fear of consequences. They showed him off like one School boys and now let him jump through hoops … no more nice that, he has the entire power of the “JSOC” he only needs one hit mark and the rest is Hilary ehh History. Look at Prince Mohammed ibne Salman, he only needs a consulate as a slaughterhouse… Read more »