(In the “enhanced” Silent Revolution Of Truth Compilation Edition, the free PDF book: Download and read about what was foretold in a proclamation written down in 1979 regarding how the Christian religion was to be maintained and used to fulfill a special purpose [truly frightening how segments of Americans are being manipulated using the tongue of religion], page 1257. The ruling-elites using religion to stir up trouble among the people, pages 1264 and 1259. The ruling-elites have no association to religions, page 1490. How politics and religion are to blame for the problems on Earth, page 1486. And how sectarian fanatics will play a dictatorial role in the United States, pages 667 and 1470. Note: Use the page number display located at top right in the PDF book to find the correct page. UPDATED, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Book)
RT – June 21, 2018: President Trump has signed an executive order, halting the controversial policy of migrant family separation. That’s after the administration’s ‘zero-tolerance’ approach towards illegal migration met with a massive outcry. In a surprising turn of events, the issue has also taken on a religious dimension. (Note: Youtube is censoring videos and channels. The title of the video is “Divine Intervention? Trump Administration Attorney General Jeff Sessions Citing Bible”.)
US Attorney General Jeff Sessions made a viral gaffe as he disagreed with comparison of the Trump administration’s immigration policies to that of Nazi Germany. The Nazis didn’t let the Jews leave Germany, he said.
On her Monday night show, Fox News host Laura Ingraham quizzed Sessions about his “zero tolerance” immigration policy, which has been compared by former CIA Director Michael Hayden and Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) to the tactics used by Nazi Germany.
“Nazi Germany, concentration camps, human rights violations,” Ingraham said, “What’s going on here?”
Jeff Sessions (translated): “That whole Nazi thing woulda been fine if the Jews had just been evicted.” https://t.co/djdug7hjS7
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) June 19, 2018
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United States and Human Rights
How Obama handled the migrant crisis during his administration; not quite, because Obama also kept migrants in cages
WASHINGTON POST – June 19, 2018: President Trump is facing an escalating humanitarian and political crisis at the Mexican border as migrant parents are increasingly separated from their children under his new immigration enforcement policy. (BattleForWorld: The bias corporate media is hiding the fact that President Obama also kept migrants in cages as the photos taken in 2014 shows.)
Q: What happened to the families when they crossed the border under the same circumstances during the Obama administration?
A: Trump’s predecessor had a different strategy when confronted with the rising numbers of migrant families at the border in the latter years of his administration. Typically, families from Central America who came to the border and sought asylum would be processed and given a “notice to appear” for a court date. They would then be released together into the United States after a brief stint in custody, said Theresa Cardinal Brown, the director of immigration and cross-border policy at the Bipartisan Policy Center.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions quoting bible
US Attorney General Jeff Sessions quote bible passage from the Christian book of Romans to justify the policy of separating immigrant children from their parents: …”I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order,” Sessions said. “Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves and protect the weak and lawful.”
Biblical Justification for Policies
Last year, 2017, CBN NEWS reported: “Bible studies at the White House. Who’s inside this spiritual awakening? The Trump administration officials flock to bible study classes. Cabinet members get together for weekly bible study. The classes are organized by Ralph Drollinger, the founder of Capital Ministries based in Washington DC. Capital Ministries has been operating for two decades preaching evangelism to elected public servants. The ministry said that they are focused, ‘since our founding in 1996 our vision has not changed: To evangelize elected officials and lead them toward maturity in Christ.'”
‘I Don’t Think It Was an Extreme Position I Took’: Jeff Sessions on the Bible, Immigration and His Critics
CBN NEWS – June 22, 2018: Attorney General Jeff Sessions addressed some of the criticism he and the White House have received in recent weeks regarding the administration’s immigration policy in an exclusive interview Thursday with CBN News.
Sessions was personally criticized when he quoted scripture to justify separating families at the southern border, something CBN’s David Brody asked him about.
“I don’t think it was an extreme position that I took,” said Sessions. “I directed it not to say that religion requires these laws on immigration. I just simply said to my Christian friends, ‘You know, the United States has laws and I believe that Paul was clear in Romans that we should try to follow the laws of government of which we are a part.'”
Romans 13 Possible Misinterpretation
BATTLE FOR WORLD – June 22, 2018: The weapon of the One World New World Order Dictatorship government is the misinterpretation of the bible. (Note: Youtube is censoring videos and channels. The title of the video is “Romans 13 Possible Misinterpretation”.)
Dr. Beter was told that the Zionists were deliberately fulfilling bible scriptures toward their world domination plans.
Dr. Peter Beter – Audio-Letter #78 – August 27, 1982: Hello, my friends, this is Dr. Beter. (Editor: He became a devout Christian in his senior years, and through his intelligence sources he was informed that Christians worldwide, especially in America, are being manipulated by Zionism.) Today is August 27, 1982, and this is my AUDIO-LETTER(R) No. 78.
“Topic #1 – My friends, from start to finish, the so-called “PEACE FOR GALILEE” operation by Israel has been a tangle of lies. The word “peace” was used to give a halo to the most genocidal war yet by Israel, and the Biblical-sounding phrase “Peace for Galilee” was designed to hide the true nature of the campaign as much as possible—from Christians in particular! When we Christians hear the word “Galilee” we can’t help thinking of our Lord Jesus Christ. The very word itself sounds sacred to us so at a subconscious level we are tempted to feel that we dare not condemn what the Israelis are doing—and feelings like these are reinforced by Zionist influence exerted through countless churches here in America!”
“The counterfeit Jews, the Khazar Jews, who control Israel today, spend vast amounts of money to encourage counterfeit interpretations of the Bible! (Editor: Beter is referring to the worldwide Zionist movement ideology and not the Jewish people.) As a result, countless millions of well-meaning but misled Christians close their eyes to Israel’s war crimes, saying: ‘It’s all in prophecy.’”
“The Zionist lies about Israel’s operation “PEACE FOR GALILEE” began even with the officially claimed date of the invasion. Theagreed date used by the major media is June 6 when some Israeli forces went through a United Nations checkpoint; but the invasion actually began as I pointed out in AUDIO-LETTER No. 76 on June 5, not June 6. It is almost as if by changing the date of the invasion the Israelis are trying to avoid the prophet Ezekiel’s prophecy of doom. I quoted from that Biblical prophecy in AUDIO-LETTER No. 76. The Israelis are fond of what they call “creating new facts”, but this is one fact they cannot change.”
Refugees migrating for a better way of life as the Ruling Elites destabilize their countries
BATTLE FOR WORLD – June 22, 2018: For all who are calling for open borders, Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Emmanuel Macron and others like-minded are aware that they are being poked by the ruling-elites to maintain that public point of view in order to continue the plan of the ruling-elites to invade countries using refugees to eventually upset the civil environment of countries into the clash of cultures. It’s a very stealthy way of conquering and eventually changing the social and political landscape of countries. This type of open boarder policy is very dangerous!
Pope Francis has a point when he says, “I would like to point out that the issue of migration is not simply one of numbers, but of persons, each with his or her own history, culture, feelings and aspirations,” Francis said this week. “These persons, our brothers and sisters, need ongoing protection, independently of whatever migrant status they may have.”
(BattleForWorld: While this maybe true, the movement of refugees and migrants have been weaponized by the ruling-elites to kill populism as they are the ones who are always plotting mischief on the world’s stage to gain dictatorship rule. And since President Trump is not well liked by a faction of the ruling-elites, this particular faction is using everything they can at their disposal against him in an amplified manner to have him conform to globalist foreign policies started by the other presidents.
Refugees and migrants often relocate where ever they think life for them will be better, this is just natural human behavior. The Trump administration was trying to use the religious tongue to make acceptable its anti-refugee policy, advocating that this is the way God has ordained it. The Obama administration policy for migrant families was the same, because his administration also held migrants in cages at detention centers.
All the world’s people must be aware that the ruling-elites, because of their monetary policies and never-ending appetite to control the natural resources of countries, where the economies of countries are targeted by the IMF [International Monetary Fund] and World Bank until they are eventually overrun with economic problems that cannot be easily solved. And factor into that the other useful tool by the ruling-elites where they instigate civil wars inside countries, and the policies by them eventually cause desperation and have people on the move constantly, relocating here and there for a better way of life. It’s just a natural thing for humans to do and the ruling-elites know it and are exploiting it to their benefit. Using the refugees to invade western countries to maintain the old economic system of financial usury, theft and abuse into which the offspring of these refugees will undergo the same movements of world wars and civil wars to bring about some other form of rule.
President Trump did not start the refugee and migrant problem, these are things caused by the policies of the United States and their allies under the direction of the ruling-elites’. And Trump has become a useful tool where they can use their policies to make him look bad when he resist their open border policy. Trump’s position is logical, he’s looking out for the interest of America, but I think his team, the neoconservatives, are under the influence of the ruling-elites to sabotage him. And the Rothschilds are well aware that President Trump is a populist and is against open borders. Interjecting the Romans 13 scripture was just a bad idea and the Attorney General Jeff Sessions knew better and it was done to have President Trump backtrack from his position. It is not good when you have religious-minded ones influencing policies of a country. The ruling-elites have weaponized most everything.
If Trump will eventually bomb Iran and North Korea, where does he thinks the refugees are going to go? To Iran and North Korea? Because they are surely going to migrate to other locations. With the United States geopolitical foreign policies the plan is to create refugees in other parts of the world, but yet in the US many want the borders close to stop refugees. Where is the logic in that?
The people of the world must begin to take a serious look at the foreign polices of the West being implemented in the Middle-East, Africa, South America, etc. where these areas are constantly in civil war, strife, etc. and one does not have to think too hard because the same cast of bad actor countries are lurking in the background, the same people are involved in the chaos!!!
The ruling-elites are targeting the people, abusing the people, hoping that, along the way to forging their One World Domination dictatorship, they can use the suffering of the world’s people, to point fingers at others who are not in agreement with their policy, for example President Trump.
And President Trump is just as naive and stupid to think that people will stay in the countries where they are being abused and murdered by the war and economic shenanigans of the ruling-elites.
Mister President Trump, it is simple, the countries that people are fleeing from, a decent way of life for them is no longer possible there, and look at the policies of those countries, it is the same cast of character countries with their corporations talking about war.
And mister President Trump, if you are not going to be true to yourself and embarked on a true mission to bring about world peace to stabilize this planet and immediately stop the destruction of countries and the abuse and murder of people by the ruling-elites by stop implementing their war and economic rentier policies, then be prepared and know that you will be made to do stupid things to further fulfill the ruling-elites game play for planetary destruction in their quest for world dictatorship. And I guess in that nucleus there’s greatness. Enjoy the office of the powerful as you implement the policies of the ruling-elites, because you are not there to serve the people into goodwill, because anytime you try to do that the ruling-elites will make you look stupid in public.)
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Macron Threatens EU States Which Turn Migrants Away With Sanctions
SPUTNIK NEWS – June 23, 2018: The article highlights that according to President Macron of France, financial “sanctions mechanisms” including possible restrictions on structural EU-level aid should be introduced against those EU members that refuse migrants with proven asylum status.
(BattleForWorld: President Emmanuel Macron as well as Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Trump, etc. are being forced by the Ruling Elite establishment to maintain the position of using refugees to invade countries and the objective is to eventually change the cultural landscape and stir up civil wars – the clash of civilizations. This was well planned long ago by the Council of 7 Men.)
Speaking to reporters Saturday (June 23) at a joint press conference with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Macron stressed that Paris could not accept a situation where “countries that benefit massively from EU solidarity” give in to “national self-interest when it comes to the issue of migrants.”
Macron noted that Paris and Madrid favor the setting up of “closed centers” on European soil for recently-landed migrants which would take on refugees in a ‘coordinated way’, allowing for a speedy investigation of whether or not they qualify for asylum status. These centers should be based closest to where the migrants or refugees landed, the president said. For those applicants who are not eligible for asylum status, Macron emphasized the need for European-wide solidarity and cooperation to send these people back to their country of origin directly, rather than via other countries.
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Refugees migrating for a better way of life as the Ruling Elites destabilize their countries
The “Council of Seven Men” who make decisions for much of the world’s population
(In the “enhanced” Silent Revolution Of Truth Compilation Edition, the free PDF book: Download and read about the conquering of Europe using migrants and refugees, page 1486. Europe!!! you are being warned, pages 1410; 1143, 1141, 1140; 1102 – 1104. North America and refugees, page 1150. Note: Use the page number display located at top right in the PDF book to find the correct page. UPDATED, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Book)
Italian minister tells foreign rescue ships to stop migrant pick-ups
YAHOO – June 24, 2018: Italy’s far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini on Sunday told foreign charities to stop rescuing migrants off Libya even as one group said 1,000 people were on boats in distress in the Mediterranean.
(BattleForWorld: President Emmanuel Macron as well as Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Trump, etc. are being forced by the Ruling Elite establishment to maintain the position of using refugees to invade countries and the objective is to eventually change the cultural landscape and stir up civil wars – the clash of civilizations. This was well planned long ago by the Council of 7 Men.)
With Italy — long the frontline in Europe’s migration crisis — vowing a new hardline stance, Salvini told the aid groups to back off and let the Libyan coastguard take care of rescue operations.
“Let the Libyan authorities do their work of rescue, recovery and return (of migrants) to their country, as they have been doing for some time, without the ships of the voracious NGOs disturbing them or causing trouble,” he said.
“Italian ports are and will be closed to those who aid human traffickers,” he said.
Related articles:
The “Council of Seven Men” who make decisions for much of the world’s population
Refugees migrating for a better way of life as the Ruling Elites destabilize their countries
(In the “enhanced” Silent Revolution Of Truth Compilation Edition, the free PDF book: Download and read about the conquering of Europe using migrants and refugees, page 1486. Europe!!! you are being warned, pages 1410; 1143, 1141, 1140; 1102 – 1104. North America and refugees, page 1150. Note: Use the page number display located at top right in the PDF book to find the correct page. UPDATED, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Book)
Austria threatens to reinstate border checks
DAILY MAIL – June 24, 2018: The article highlights that Austria threatens to reinstate border checks if Germany turns away migrants at its southern frontier as EU leaders arrive in Brussels for crunch summit on how to tackle crisis. And that Chancellor Sebastian Kurz warned he would shut Austria’s borders to migrants. But he said he hopes ‘it doesn’t get that far’ as EU leaders meet in Brussels today, and Germany’s interior minister is also threatening to shut the southern border to migrants.
(BattleForWorld: President Emmanuel Macron as well as Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Trump, etc. are being forced by the Ruling Elite establishment to maintain the position of using refugees to invade countries and the objective is to eventually change the cultural landscape and stir up civil wars – the clash of civilizations. This was well planned long ago by the Council of 7 Men.)
Related articles:
The “Council of Seven Men” who make decisions for much of the world’s population
Refugees migrating for a better way of life as the Ruling Elites destabilize their countries
(In the “enhanced” Silent Revolution Of Truth Compilation Edition, the free PDF book: Download and read about the conquering of Europe using migrants and refugees, page 1486. Europe!!!, you are being warned, pages 1410; 1143, 1141, 1140; 1102 – 1104. North America and refugees, page 1150. Note: Use the page number display located at top right in the PDF book to find the correct page. UPDATED, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Book)
CrossTalk: Melting Pot Melting Down; The Refugee Problem; A Deliberate Plan To Replace The Population Of Europe
RT CROSSTALK – June 23, 2018: All across the western world the so-called melting pot is melting down. Immigration – legal and illegal – is probably the most contentious and divisive issue energizing voters. In Italy, for example, the right and left have united on the issue. In Germany, the government may collapse. And Trump has made this his signature cause. Can the status quo be sustained? (Note: Youtube is censoring videos and channels. The title of the video is “CrossTalk: Melting Pot Melting Down”.)
EU leaders try to find solution to migrant crisis amid inner tensions
RT – June 24, 2018: With political fissures deepening in the EU over how to deal with the influx of migrants, some of the bloc’s leaders have gathered for an emergency meeting to discuss solutions. (Note: Youtube is censoring videos and channels. The title of the video is “EU leaders try to find solution to migrant crisis amid inner tensions”.)
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