Anti-China Sanctions: The Real US Aim In Asia, And How Beijing Can Respond

SPUTNIKNEWS – August 1, 2017: The US media recently reported that Washington is “crafting a set of economic measures meant to punish China” for its inaction in stopping North Korea from building a nuclear weapon. Russian political analysts, however, explained what the real aim of the US is and how China could respond.

On Monday (July 31), the US-based magazine Politico reported that “President Donald Trump’s top advisers are huddling behind the scenes in a bid to craft a set of economic measures meant to punish China” for “not doing enough to stop North Korea from building a nuclear weapon.”

Citing sources from the US administration, the outlet suggested that a final decision on the possible punitive measures, including trade restrictions, is “expected as soon as this week.”

President Trump had tweeted earlier that he is “very disappointed in China.”

“Our foolish past leaders have allowed them to make hundreds of billions of dollars a year in trade, yet,” said one of his tweets, while another lamented that China is doing “NOTHING for us with North Korea, just talk[s]. We will no longer allow this to continue. China could easily solve this problem!”

Also on Monday (July 31), China called on the US to refrain from discussing the settlement of the North Korean nuclear issue within the context of Chinese-US bilateral trade.

“We believe that the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and China-US trade relations are the issues that are in two completely different domains, it is inappropriate to discuss them together,” Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce Qian Keming said at a press briefing.

Russian political analysts reviewed what the real aim of the US is in Asia, what it is able to do to harm the “world’s factory” and how China is able to respond to it.

“I am sure that the US worked out a set of punitive anti-China measures long ago, however it still remains to be seen if Washington is ready to introduce them,” Alexei Maslov, head of the School for Oriental Studies at the Russian Higher School of Economics University told Sputnik.

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“Current Trump’s accusations of Beijing of ‘not doing enough to stop North Korea from building a nuclear weapon’ resemble a childish grudge,” the political analyst told Sputnik.

An embargo or trade duties could be introduced on any import from China, from textiles to any equipment, he specified.

He also did not rule out the possible freezing of Chinese transactions on the territory of the US and cutting off of financing of joint economic programs.

However, China, he said, is able to respond to the US.

China, he noted, is gradually developing anti-American propaganda and is eager to demonstrate to its partners in One Belt, One Road project that the US is an unreliable partner which is not acting through negotiations and discussions but purely by using different threats.

His view was echoed by Fyodor Lukyanov, chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, an influential Russian NGO, who said that the American business has vast interests in China while Beijing has invested a lot in US securities.

China could sell out some of them to send a message to the US that it could easily rain down on the system,” he told the newspaper.

Alexei Maslov meanwhile explained to Sputnik what might be the real aim of the US.

“I think that the politicians in Washington, who are well aware of the relationship between China and North Korea, understand only too well that they are demanding the impossible from Beijing. However they (the United States) are using this situation to exert pressure on China to demonstrate that it can’t solve such problems (BATTLEFORWORLD: that Washington creates to push its aggressive foreign policy in the name of world domination). In other words, they want to diminish China’s role in the region,” he concluded.


The Reason Behind The United States Mischief With North Korea – America-China Financial Wars; Iran And Venezuela

BATTLEFORWORLD – April 29, 2017 (updated August 1, 2017): Why is the United States being mischievous in South East Asia? Well, the truth is that Donald Trump during his US presidential campaign was very vocal leading up to the election, saying that it was always about China, China, China, but after the election he realized that China did not swallow the bait in the way that he had anticipated. And so Trump has decided (or rather the Ruling Elites have decided for him in foreign policy) to move onto North Korea, Iran and Syria, starting war conflicts and bellicose fearmongering, to panic the holders of US Dollars back into the United States Treasury Bond Market, to keep the interest rate low, so that the financial Ruling Elites can continue their Ponzi scheme (Wall Street speculative bubble markets, etc.). This is the United States cleaver way of earning ghost money…into the treasury to continue with business as usual.


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