What’s Behind The Anti-Russian Sanctions And “Association Sanctions” Against Russia?

BATTLE FOR WORLD – March 2, 2017 (updated October 24, 2017): A crucial part of the US One World Order plot was to secure Ukraine and Crimea, and also all of the Eastern European side states.  In Crimea the Russian Black Sea fleet was to be driven out and replaced with an array of military equipment from the United States, England and the EU. With the Middle-East fallen (with Iraq, Syria, pending Afghanistan, pending Turkey, the next target would be Iran), the US would then hyped up North Korea…as leverage/pressure against China. Russia was to surrender power, followed by China, and the US One World Order plan, the new financial system, would be finalized.

But, it never went according to plan, because Russia fought back, and sanctions and wars were introduced upon her by the US-Britain-EU and the intention is to have the sanctions stay in place for a longtime regardless of who’s president of the United States until Russia capitulate power. And with the help of the hundreds of traitors in the US government working for the ruling elites, the Obama administration has passed on “fake news stories about Russia hacking the election” and then later accusing Trump and members of his team about meeting with Russians – implementing what I have coined “association sanction” against Russia. (And the person that is associated with individuals in the Russian government are targeted for reprimand – with partisan politics trashing from members of congress, former government officials, pundits in media, etc.) The latter started to gain traction when Trump began to signal that his administration might lift sanctions against Russia put in place by President Obama’s “Deep State” (also known as The Military Industrial Complex) political forces. And lifting sanctions are not in the interest of the “Deep State” because it gets rid of the enemy, and doing so destroys the US war narrative to subdue Russia.

The “fake news about Russia” is to make it difficult for President Trump to lift sanctions put on Russia, because when Trump signals that he’s ready to cancel sanctions, members of congress, the corporate media and political pundits will turn on him, with hopes of creating backlash making it difficult.

But Russia is aware of this pending move and is not counting on Trump to be forthcoming because of pressure from the US power structure. In fact, deep down, some sources believe, that the United States is being setup to give itself a severely “self-inflected horrendous financial wound”, to which, none or one might come offering assistance. Are the anti-Russian sanctions deadly bullets being fired by the US into itself? Is the “plot” behind the anti-Russian sanctions a brilliant surprise? (US shooting itself in the foot)

And the political voices in the US who are calling for more anti-Russian sanctions, in truth, they are the ones who are anti-American and against the American people, because they are very well aware that when the US economy crashes, the people will eventually turn on each other.  And the war mongering political voices behind the anti-Russian sanctions will have gone into hiding at their guarded locations, disassociating themselves from the people of the United States who are to be sacrificed in chaos.

These anti-Russian sanction instigators are doing the geopolitical work for the Ruling Elites. These constant shenanigans are not in the interest of the American people, just as how World War I and World War II had nothing to do with the people, and all done in the interest of the Ruling Elites pushing for world dictatorship domination.

If Marie Le Pen wins the French presidential election and is able to fulfill her promises, the United States is in terrible trouble. But disrupting forces in the US, France, England and the EU will also try to disrupt Le Pen from becoming friendly with Russia using “fake news”.  But some sources think that Le Pen will be triumphant and successful.

The United States will now have to sort out its own internal disorder. While the new alliances of Russia-(some of)-Europe…China move ahead to form a multi-polar world order.

US/Western Sanction War is guarantee to shun the United States from the New Financial System pending. No friends to help America when the financial collapse unfolds:
[ US sanctions not to be lifted even if Russia meets West’s demands3 CNN Staffers Resign Over Botched Russia Story | CNN deletes article about meeting between Scaramucci and Russian Direct Investment Fund | Kremlin blasts sanctions, warns move bound to backfire on its initiators  Show More

References – links:
[ Hungarian top diplomat: EU must discuss anti-Russian sanctionsLavrov: Trump admin are business people, dialogue free from ideological biasNew Sanctions Against Russia ‘Part of a Deal Between Trump, US Establishment’ Show More


Anti-Russian Sanctions Shooting US In The Foot

RT – February 28, 2018: American oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp has announced it’s withdrawing from exploration and research projects with Russia’s Rosneft. The move, linked to Western powers’ anti-Russia sanctions, will cost Exxon $200 million in losses.

Commenting on Exxon’s withdrawal, Russia’s Trade Representative in the US, Aleksander Stadnik, called it an example of anti-Moscow sanctions backfiring to harm US businesses.

“They can talk as much as they like about the alleged billions in losses by the Russian defense industry as a result of US sanctions. However, the situation with Exxon Mobil indicates that the initiators of sanctions use dictatorial methods against American business, shooting it in the foot,” Stadnik told Sputnik


US sanctions bill vs Russia built on fraudster’s political lobbying – Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya

RT – October 18, 2017: Natalya Veselnitskaya, dubbed a “Kremlin lawyer” in the US media because of her meeting with President Trump’s son, has told RT that the Magnitsky Act against Russian officials came about as the result of a fraudulent investor’s political maneuvering.

A four-page memo Veselnitskaya brought to her meeting with Donald Trump Jr, dated May 2016, was published in full by Foreign Policy magazine on Monday. Previously, CNN had cited excerpts from the Russian lawyer’s talking points.

Veselnitskaya confirmed to RT the authenticity of the memo, saying that she was the one who gave it to the media.

“I personally gave this memo to the journalist, I can’t recall her name, this is the translation that I prepared for myself before my trip to the US last year,” she said.

The four-page analysis focuses on the backstory of the Magnitsky Act, a bill that allows the US to seize assets from Russians accused of human rights abuses and bar them from entering the country.

Veselnitskaya claims that it was a result of “a massive three-year lobbying campaign” driven by the CEO and founder of the Hermitage Capital fund, Bill Browder, “a fugitive criminal accused of tax fraud in Russia.”

By adopting the legislation in December 2012, the US lawmakers promoted “the never-existent story of a ‘lawyer,’ Sergey Magnitisky, who allegedly exposed corruption crimes and embezzlement from the Russian treasury, for which he was arrested, tortured and beaten to death,” she wrote.

According to her investigation, the largest investor in the companies associated with Browder was ZIFF Brothers Fund, known for its close ties to Democrats. “It cannot be ruled out that they also financed the Hillary Clinton campaign,” Veselnitskaya wrote in the only reference to the last year’s presidential campaign that could be found in the memo.

Speaking to RT, Veselnitskaya stressed that “the only truth” about the Magnitsky case is the losses inflicted on the Russian state budget due to tax evasion and other illegal financial activities orchestrated by Browder and the fact of a tragic death of the tax accountant, used by Browder to champion his anti-Russian cause.

“What happened in the US in 2012 was pure politics. There is nothing about the real story of Sergey Magnitsky,” she said, adding that she is interested in unveiling the truth about the Magnitsky Act because it affects her client, Denis Katsyv, owner of Prevezon Holdings, and not because she is on some campaign against anti-Russia sanctions.

“Just to make it clear, I was never against any sanctions because they don’t involve my client, but I am against manipulating facts. I am against how the authorities have not investigated the story behind the Magnitsky Act,” she said.

Magnitsky was a prime suspect in a tax evasion scheme when he died in a pre-trial detention center in 2009. Veselnitiskaya said that his death was the “climax” of Browder’s lobbying campaign.

She went on to argue that Browder has been using the new spiraling anti-Russia hysteria in the US mainstream media to portray her as an agent of the Kremlin.

“Browder is spinning a story of espionage, of a “Kremlin hand,” but those documents I have are the results of the investigation,” she said, adding that any information she obtains in the course of her own investigation she is sharing with Russian prosecutors and American lawyers. Link: Read Complete Story


How ‘Anti-Russia Hysteria’ Robs US of ‘Valid Friend And Ally’

SPUKNIK NEWS – Junes 27, 207: A book called “The Plot to Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Conspired to Vilify Putin” has been recently released in the US. The author of the book, Daniel Kovalik, is a human rights attorney and a professor at the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Law.

In an interview with Sputnik Kovalik discussed the on-going anti-Russia hysteria in the west and its possible consequences.

This hysteria according to Kovalik “takes away from the US a valid friend and ally in Russia. There is no reason why we cannot be working with Russia on a number of issues confronting the world right now.”

He further said that Russia has shown many times that it is willing to help the US in these issues.

“Vladimir Putin was the first world leader to call George Bush after 9/11 to offer condolences and help in Afghanistan. He offered that help during the Afghan operations in 2001. Since then he has helped Obama negotiate the nuclear deal with Iran and helped rid Syria of chemical weapons,” Kovalik said.

So Russia and its leader have proved on a number of occasions to be a worthy ally and friend, however, as the analyst said the US continues to vilify Russia and Putin and that is in not working in anyone’s interest.

Talking about the roots of this confrontation and why the US is not making an effort to have a dialogue with Russia, Kovalik said that the US economy depends on a “permanent war footing.”

“We (the United States) spend over $600 billion a year on military so we are in constant search for enemies. Meanwhile, there are huge problems with poverty and there are just a lot of problems that need to be solved in this country,” the analyst said.

He further spoke about how Americans are programmed to be weary of Russia for decades, since the Cold War days.

Looking at how people inside the US who try to voice their opinion and speak against the anti-Russia hysteria are ridiculed and silenced, Kovalik said that just looking at what happened to Oliver Stone after his documentary Interviews with Putin was released.

“He [Oliver Stone] goes on these talk shows and he is barely allowed to speak. Then there are the articles that have been published about him afterwards, it’s just terrible,” Kovalik said.

Forbes contributor Kenneth Rapoza commented on Stone’s documentary that the bias against Russia is so strong in the US, that the filmmaker was laughed at by the “people who have never seen the Showtime special because it had not even aired yet” at Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

Stone’s documentary series, which the director filmed over the course of two years, follows the filmmaker and the Russian leader as they have conversations about a wide range of issues, including relations between Washington and Moscow, the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as the crisis in Syria and Ukraine.

Earlier in the month, the US Showtime TV channel aired the four-episode documentary.

The filmmaker added that the Showtime network was “very pleased” with the documentary’s reception, and even noted that a number of countries, including France and Germany, have also aired the series.

Stone received a number of comments about the documentary and the role of Putin within its context.

Stone warned that politically motivated statements depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin as “a villain without a soul” will do nothing to contribute to the easing of international tensions.

“Hopefully the Russia-gate scandal will start to recede in the coming months as there is very little evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. But I do fear that this anti Russia hysteria will still be pumped up on other grounds for example on Syria and Ukraine,” Kovalik said.

He added that it’s important to be vigilant and to speak out against the “anti-Russia hysteria.” Link: Read Complete Article


Three CNN Employees Resign Over Fake Story About Russian Ties

THE RAP – June 26, 2017: Thomas Frank, who wrote the story in question; Eric Lichtblau, an editor in the unit; and Lex Haris, who oversaw the unit, have all left CNN.

“In the aftermath of the retraction of a story published on CNN.com, CNN has accepted the resignation of the employees involved in the story’s publication,” a network spokesperson said in a statement Monday.

On Thursday, CNN investigative reporter Thomas Frank published a report involving an investigation of a Russian investment fund with possible ties to several Trump associates.

According to CNN, an internal investigation found that “some standard editorial processes were not followed when the article was published.”

Citing a single unnamed source, the story reported that Congress was investigating a “Russian investment fund with ties to Trump officials.” Link: Read Complete Article and CNN Retracts Russian Article


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