SPUTNIKNEWS – May 26, 2017: California scientists are saying that a massive earthquake is certain to happen on the US West Coast, it’s only a matter of when. They are urging the public to resist being paralyzed by fear and instead get informed and motivated to protect themselves, their families and their property.
There are already cities in the Golden State requiring that vulnerable buildings be retrofitted, and next year scientists with the US Geological Society are set to reveal the first stage of an early warning system for earthquakes that would notify people of an incoming tremor through their personal electronic devices.
California has missed the mark on this before. Scientists projected a 95 percent chance that a magnitude 6.0 earthquake would hit between 1988 and 1993, but the next quake did not come until 2004.
She said, “By emphasizing the financial aspects, I moved people away from fear that can paralyze decision-making … I showed them that they were going to have to pay for the earthquake, one way or another. Either now or after it happens. It was just a matter of when.” Link: Read Complete Article