ZEROHEDGE – April 10, 2017: Meanwhile, confirming that the US is not nearly close done bombing Assad, on Sunday the Qatar-owned (the country which at long last hopes to have its gas pipeline cross Syria to Europe) Al Jazeera, reported that Syrian jets have bombed the town of Idlib using White Phosphorus. Link: Read Complete Article
The Syrian War Is Over Future Gas Pipeline Corridor
BATTLEFORWORLD – October 25, 2015 – News Intel: The terrorist movement being spearheaded by the United States, Britain, Israel, Europe, Saudi Arabia, etc. will eventually fail. The counter forces fighting against this western-backed terrorist movement will eventually win, but the fight will be long and bloody if the West decides to continue to support terrorism to fulfill its geopolitical goals of pipeline…transit corridors, waterways, etc.
References – Links:
[ US-Backed New Syrian Army: Part of a Plan to Establish Pipelines? | Syrian War: ‘Nothing to Do With Daesh, It is Energy Battle for Future Pipelines’ ]