Mystery of the Drones

Drones Over Military Sites and Cities Worldwide, Why?

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | December 17, 2024: Not all the drones are drones, as in tri- and quad-copters, because some of the drones are UFOs/UAPs that are surveillance and manned flying crafts. A few of these UAPs have changed their flight pattern to mimic what is being reported as drones in the news.

This really all started with the balloons that were being reported, flying toward the United States with the Pentagon identifying them as Chinese. After the so-called Chinese balloon news die down, an elite source revealed that the Pentagon was behind it, and that the purpose was psychological warfare to prepare the public for a future eventuality pending. ( We were the first to say it was ‘psychological warfare’ based on what the ‘elite source’ said. The source is ‘elite’ because it is above CIA. References: here3, here4, also search for ‘balloon’.)

The pending eventuality involved a so-called alien invasion planned by the Pentagon-CIA, but also the source said, is to start creating the threat of mysterious arial objects hovering over military sites, cites, etc. which can be US military objects (i.e., drones or aircrafts) or actual UAPs/UFOs.

US military: The Pentagon has been flying a few 6th generation looking crafts that are triangular-like in shape, similar to the NGAD, but stocky, that uses a dual-mode propulsion system – hybrid-rocket thrust-vectoring system in the back…, synced with a circular mechanism etch in the body (at the top and bottom) expressing vibrations waves for motionless hovering and weight reduction, with a cockpit-glass structure surface that is controllable, able to transition/change shades – transparent, black, etc. at the front – like a regular jet fighter cockpit, but larger – can sit 3 or 4 people. These are rarely seen by the public because they do not make themselves obvious, but on a few rare occasions they have been sighted in South America, specifically Lima, Peru. This craft is the so-called US Space Force. ( The country of Russia has had a space force before the United States! I repeat, Russia has a very active space force that is many times more advanced than the United States and they started building it from the late 1970s! The private side of Russia is allied with peaceful earthly terrestrial aliens! – It was the United States that took over the baton – i.e., was put in the position to continue in the footsteps of Germany, to work with the bad/criminal alien terrestrial group (i.e., the Giza Intelligence and Men in Black), which is now defunct, because they were removed! So, what is left now, are the groomed assets of these defunct aliens who continue to work in secret making trouble hoping to manifest the old plans or parts of it.)

UFO (the 6th gen. craft that is part of the US Space Force) filmed hovering above the city of Lima in Peru, in February 2015 – sideview of the craft. The back (left) shows the red glow, and the cockpit (right) shows a white glow. The sighting was videoed by a Peruvian TV crew and was aired on the show ‘Alto al Crimen.’ (For the large image, click/touch here.)

The UAPs/UFOs, the light-emitting orbs, belong to another group that is outside the United States. And consists of a larger grouping that involves earthly antiquity extraterrestrials and extraterrestrials from the Sirius region of space, etc. This group has been monitoring the West – the United States, United Kingdom and parts of Europe, etc., and do not like what is going on there with the wars, abuse, etc. And at some point, will confront the West openly.

The plan about an alien invasion goes back centuries or more, and was started originally by the terrestrial alien group (i.e., the Giza Intelligence and Men in Black) who groomed the German Nazis; and some of those Nazis later came over to the United States and were given jobs in the Pentagon where they worked silently for decades. ( I have said this a few times (here1, here2), that although the United States announces all these nice sounding projects to search for extraterrestrial life, the top elites in control were already in counsel with extraterrestrials, that are human-looking, for centuries, and the same applies to their predecessors – the ruling elites, historical rulers and civilizations and cultures written in the history books. The ones kept in the dark are the people the elites rule. The elites as they are now, misuse the gullible/trusting scientists to advance scientific things, where after they are murdered to stop the leaks of secrets discovered; and the next set of trusting scientists are scouted and groomed to continue on this and that, etc. – and the process is rinsed and repeated.)

After World War 2 ended in 1945, the terrestrial alien group that was still active put into action a plan to bring down a Zeta Reticuli spacecraft over the United States in 1947. The people who this craft belongs to, have been coming to Earth for some time and was involved in hydrodynamic research. They said the Earth’s gravity made certain features come together for this type of research. – This group was here secretly and concealed themselves from Earth’s humanity. Concealed, so they thought, because the terrestrial alien group that groomed the Nazis were watching them. The opportunity arises where a plan was concocted to zap/stun one (or two) of their crafts. The reason was to jumpstart advanced technology development in the United States, which was directed by Philip Corso through the Pentagon Nazis. ( The information about the terrestrial alien group who helped brought down the Reticuli spacecraft was a tightly kept secret for many decades. The Reticuli beings home planet was trying to ascertain what had happened and even sought counsel from another very advanced group in another star system on how to respond – that is, if they should attack the United States. The terrestrial alien group that was behind the downing of the craft was removed in 1978 and the other in 2006. – Jehovah, the Christian God, came out of this group. After Jehovah died, another God, a family member, a cousin, from the group, took the title. The predecessors of these Gods started to orate/write bible history approximately 120,000 years ago on Earth. The God mentioned in Genesis was named Arus or as the Christians called him by his academic title, God. – The lineage of the first Arians [i.e., one of the white/pale skin groups started among terrestrials – the ethnic name was derived from the father’s name Arus. But also, one of his sons was exiled and fled to the area of present-day India, which he named ‘Arya’…; some tribes called themselves ‘Arusist’ to identify as coming from the lineage of Arus, and that changed to ‘Arian’ [or Aryan] over time]. Some of the history is given in SROT-CE Volume 1, here. Also refer to the free PDF for the writing about “The Great War in Heaven’, starts from page 252, and on page 1375 for the usage of the word ‘Arusist’.)

The Reticuli technology included biological androids made in the image of their people, used onboard the craft to pilot and carry out daily duties. The genetic material from the android life-form was used to jumpstart grey alien replicas by the CIA from the 1980s – using young persons placed in a closed environment chamber (also known as a ‘transformation chamber’) where they are transfused with genetic cocktail to incite feature change, and if necessary, surgery is used afterwards to contour or make some of their skulls larger, etc. and will be referred to as “CIA grey aliens.” An individual who interacted with a few of these lab creations said their minds were like children – meaning that they did not show maturity and advanced knowledge, they just looked like they were from another planet.

CIA grey alien created in the lab – given the name ‘Skinny Bob’.

The psychological warfare with the drones is twofold, to begin conditioning the public: the first is about a pending invasion by the terrestrial aliens piloting the UAPs [, known as friendly aliens], because if World War 3 erupts, they plan to disable or destroy nuclear missiles in both directions – when they decide enough is enough – that means World War 3 has started and missiles are being fired; where the terrestrial aliens will monitor and decide when to step in. So, the Pentagon and CIA are trying to ascertain psychological parameters on how to better manage the public. – The second phase, if the war is stopped quickly, the United States plan to push the alien scare campaign, because they do not want the public to trust the aliens that have now come out into the open to help humanity, because if that happens the power elites will lose their control over the people. Part of the CIA campaign to scare the public is to tell them that these aliens are here to eat humans, etc. and will convince the people of this, and the trolls will likely join in to confuse things. ( Movies and TV shows have already touched on the subject matter, conditioned into the public, about aliens eating humans. It is part of the CIA psychological plot. And the Majestic 12 documents also spread some of this information about humans ending up as food for the insatiable alien appetite. – What ‘they’ won’t tell the public is that the cattle mutilation was being done by group in the United States who was prototyping cloning technology received from the Rothschild syndicate, based on research pioneered in France. So the pending psychological plot to scare the public awaits.)

It appears that as a result of the mysteriousness of the drones, the 1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident is being mentioned. This event has nothing to do with off-planet extraterrestrials, because the commander who was involved came from the terrestrial alien group known as the Giza Intelligence. This sighting was also documented and announced beforehand by George W. Van Tassel to his organized group who was in contact with the commander of the fleet. The announcement messages were eventually published in the booklet “I RODE A FLYING SAUCER!”, pages 19 and 20, quoted below:

          March 7, 1952:
          “Greetings from the realms of Schare. Watch
          your skies in your months of May to August. I am
          Clota, 9th projection, 2nd wave, planet patrol,
          realms of Schare. Discontinue.”
                                            * * *
          This message was given in March and in the
          months of May to August, more saucers were seen
          than ever before, including those over Washington, D. C.

          April 6th, 1952:
          “May I greet you in peace. I am Noma, from
          the Central Command, 64th projection, 7th wave,
          4th sector patrol, realms of Schare. My authority
          permits me to give you certain information. Your
          Pentagon will soon have much to muddle over. We
          are going to give this globe a buzz. I hope they
          do not intercept us from in front. Our authority
          has ordered us to maintain contact through you.
          When we are ready, we shall do some intercepting
          also, and we shall also land when we are ready. Our
          Central Circle sends their blessings. Discontinue”
                                            * * *
          This message received in April was carried out
          three months later in the latter part of July. The
          Pentagon, can only mean Washington, D. C. There
          is no doubt they had “much to muddle over.” The
          “buzz” was accomplished by the saucer beings. The
          statement that the saucers hoped the Air Force
          would not intercept them in front, indicates that the
          saucers also knew in advance that there would be
          an attempt to intercept them. Is it coincidence that
          a letter mailed by me to Air Forces Intelligence
          Command, at the request of the Saucer beings in
          the July 18th message, was in their hands when the
          “buzz” occurred? I do not comprehend how the
          letter’s arrival, the “buzz,” the reference to the
          Pentagon, and the expected interception, can all be
          coincidence. My belief is that the saucer beings
          timed it that way, to let the Air Force know that
          this information was authentic. Their return receipt
          showed they received the letter July 22, 1952. The
          “buzz” was on July 26, 27 and 28th.

The commander’s name is known among Earth individuals as ‘Ashtar Sheran’, which is a pseudonym of his real name ‘Atarkeran’ – refer to SROT-CE Volume 4, page 422, here. Atarkeran is no longer living and the saga that led up to his end can be read in volumes 1, 2 and 3.

From July 12 to 29, 1952, the White House UFO sighting, Washington DC by the Giza Intelligence sub-commander who groomed the German Nazis, some of whom emigrated to the United States after the war and were appointed to work in the Pentagon silently.

A fake alien invasion was being planned by the Pentagon, CIA and cohorts (just as the German Nazi member Wernher von Braun told Dr. Carol Rosin), to dovetail into the agenda of the terrestrial alien group that Atarkeran was affiliated with, which is now defunct, because they had plans to return to the surface and live. So, when they were active, they were using exclusively Arian/Aryan ethnic groups from the United States, England, Europe, Argentina, Australia, etc. to assist in this longing plan. Where the Pentagon and CIA affiliated conglomerates immersed with alien technology would manufacture the hardware – the alien-looking crafts and grey alien life-forms to feature in a Hollywood-like production to be presented as real to the public, like the United States [fake] moon landing, but very dramatic. Where another Hollywood-like production narrative with religious undertones of the Second Coming would play-out showing a savior group that was to battle the CIA grey aliens. And this would secure the elites as the eminent power to remain in control of the Earth.

PS: Certain names are omitted in order not to reveal too many things directly, because some of this information for now should be kept secret from the public, like for example the UAPs, because of the pending propaganda campaign by the United States to brainwash the people. However, much is said where the public should be able to decern through some of the pending mass programming to misinform them with the intention to continue subjugation.

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 1, the free PDF book: Download and read about: The Last Decisive Sign for World War 3, the breaking out of the Third World-Fire (i.e., the Third World War) will be a political murder, page 1484. In Germany alone, where life still blossoms, a hundred atom-suns (Editor: Germany is attacked with 100…nuclear bombs) are ablaze, page 1486.  Giza Intelligence Corrupted Earth Religions into Lies, page 155.  A Contactee of the Giza Intelligence, page 155.  Removal of the Giza Intelligence, page 186.  Another Faction of the Giza Intelligence, page 187.  Allies of the Giza Intelligence, page 191.  Giza Intelligence Complex Command Center of Evil, page 241.  Bafath/Giza Intelligence Impulses, page 721.  Giza Intelligence and the Men-In-Black (MIB) Tried to Kill…, page 925.  Impulses Left by the Bafath/Giza Intelligence, page 1298.  Sirian Men in Black (MIB) Removed from Earth, page 780.  Sirian Men in Black (MIB), page 1555. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary – Volume 1 | and Download Book – Volume 1)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 2, the free PDF book: Download and read:  Giza Intelligences Were Sent into Exile, page 348.  Fatima and the Giza Intelligences, page 857.  Adolf Hitler Had Succumbed to the Giza Intelligences and Thule Society, page 863.  Men In Black; Giza (Gizeh) Intelligence, page 343.  Men In Black (MIB); Technical Innovation Received from the Sonarens, page 346.  The Men in Black Were Taken Prisoner, page 347.  Secret plans to exterminate people, page 523.  A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and 5G Technology; Yuval Noah Harari, page 525.  Almost Time for the Great Culling of the Useless Eaters, pages 621, 1384.  Powerful elite planning a massive genocide, page 616. The CIA Was Actually Serving a Different Master, page 144. The SOG Team, USA Secret Service; The CIA Practically Has Unlimited Power at its Disposal; The CIA is More Powerful Than the Entire Government of the USA; The CIA Does Not Shy Away From Murdering in the USA; The CIA is a World Power; The CIA Also Murder Many Politicians, page 485.  World War Three is Being Conducted Secretly, page 520.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 2 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 3, the free PDF book: Download and read: Umigos – The Giza Intelligence, page 86.  Giza Intelligences Deported, page 961.  The Americans Are Behaving Like the Giza Intelligence, page 961.  The Sirian Men in Black formed links with the Giza-Intelligences, page 109.  The Earth-Foreigners the originators of the Fatima phenomenon, page 1012.  The Dark Government Of America (i.e., the Shadow Government), page 89.  US Dark Government (i.e., Shadow Government), page 179. The Dark Government/Shadow Government Created in 1787 Secretly, page 287.  America’s Aspirations Of Its Dark Government/Shadow Government, page 426. America’s Dark Government/Shadow Government, page 435. Provoking A Far-Reaching World War By America, page 402. Danger Looming For Another World War, page 495.  Earth humans are being lied to and deceived, page 1241.  State leaders are subliminally influenced, page 1245.  The US army as the world police, page 1247.  The American government and the dark government, page 1252.  Earth leaders are so stupid and wish to inflict damage on all humans, page 1252.  The West/United States wants to breakup Russia, pages 497, 427, 190 and 34.  The bulk of all the state leaders on Earth are composed of utterly unscrupulous elements, page 1498.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 3 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 4, the free PDF book: Download and read:  American pre-OSS Agents Overthrew Tsar Nicholas II – the Royal Family of Russia, page 1076Tsar’s Rule in Russia Forcibly Ended by the Bolsheviks [ – funded by America and Britain], page 1077 Stupid governments of many countries, page 20.  Rulers of almost all countries on Earth is so lowly intelligent, page 29.  The Foreigners/Earth Foreigners (the ‘second side of the power structure’), know about the Giza Intelligences, page 128. The Foreigners/Earth Foreigners (the ‘second side of the power structure’), know about the Giza Intelligences, page 128.  In 1975 everything was thoroughly pre-programmed by the ‘Black Men/Men in Black, page 332.  The Coming Breakup of The United States, The Destruction of Israel; How World War III Possibly Starts & Moves Along, etc., page 703.  The ‘Men in Black’ and the ‘unknowable men’, page 706.  Licio Gelli works for the ‘Men in Black’, i.e., the Aliens, page 706.   John F. Kennedy was going to obstruct the globalist plans?, page 707.  The ‘Men in Black’ and/or ‘Black Men’, page 778.  Hateful elements that cooperated with the Giza Intelligences, page 779.  When [the] Foreigners Make Their Presence Felt (- i.e., Earth stationed extraterrestrials to appear and deal with/reprimand the United States, Britain, Europe, etc.; the ones causing all manner of wars and exploitations on Earth against people, especially the third world; the Earth-Foreigners have been monitoring things for many centuries and their spaceships are patrolling the airspace 24/7, -Editor), page 459.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 4 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 7, the free PDF book: Download and read: The Creation-Energy Teaching, repetition is necessary for the basic Creation-Energy knowledge and understanding to breakthrough, – because the Earth is plagued with too many wars, deceptions, coercions and misunderstandings, page I-1.  See what happens during the death of the body, our rest and rebirth (Note: first time presented in history), page 61.  The Twelve Recommendations/Commandments, page 140.  The Human with a Part-Piece of the Creation-Energy, page 89. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 7 Book)



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