RT – April 20, 2018: In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the profits of war and ask why defense contractors’ shares have turned decidedly more Dotcom like since 2011. They also look at ‘healthcare as the new oil’ and Obamacare as the F-35 cost-plus program where the profits are limitless. The two note the enormous government budgets devoted to defense and health care programs follow on calls for humanitarian intervention – whether in Benghazi or Medicaid. …The defense contractors are the terrorists within.
(BattleForWorld: The video is marked at the section where the talk begins about “Healthcare” becoming the new oil. The aging population is increasing and health complications are showing up in younger segments of the population and so the health industry sees the potential to make billions of dollars. It does not mean that the doctors and the drug companies will be able to help all individuals with complications, but for sure they are going to make lots of money exploiting the industry. And the hope is, with defense contractors venturing into healthcare, new and helpful technologies being used in secret will be introduced into the pubic to treat many illnesses and diseases.)