Teen Suicide Is Soaring. Do Spotty Mental Health And Addiction To Social Media Increasing The Trend?

(In the “enhanced” Silent Revolution Of Truth Compilation Edition, the free PDF book: Download and read about how in the United States of America, sinister ways would be used to monitor and track people – 24-hour surveillance of the world in an Orwellian big brother way, pages 1262 – 1263. Foretold decades ago. Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. UPDATED, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Book )

BATTLEFORWORLD – March 20, 2018: And you have social media sites like Facebook, Youtube, etc. surveilling users 24 hours a day selling their data to third party companies, and when this private data is used against individuals many will go into suicide mode killing themselves. Who would have thunk that the computer age would have unleashed psychological warfare on the people?

Facebook A ‘Surveillance Company’ That Collects And Sells User Data

Might Of Thought: Media Ecology And Neuro-Linguistic Programming

CNBCNEWS – March 20, 2018: It’s unclear how much of a role social media plays in suicides, but a study earlier this year tied social media use with increased anxiety in young adults.

Phyllis Alongi, clinical director for Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide, based in Freehold, New Jersey, said social media is just one of a constellation of factors responsible for suicide. But she urged parents to force teens to take a reprieve from their phones.


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