The Great War in the Middle East Rising

Iran will strike Israel

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | August 1, 2024: The killing of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran earlier this week has been blamed on Israel with approval from the United States Biden administration. And the death of Haniyeh has the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei calling for a direct strike on Israel in retaliation, the The New York Times (NYT) reported on Wednesday.

The newspaper is reporting that Khamenei has given instructions after convening Iran’s Supreme National Security Council for an emergency meeting on Wednesday morning following the missile strike, quoting three Iranian officials speaking on the condition of anonymity. “It is unclear how forcefully Iran will respond” to Wednesday’s strike that killed Haniyeh in Tehran.

The Hamas chief Haniyeh was in the Iranian capital for the inauguration of the new President, Masoud Pezeshkian, when a missile struck his place of stay on Wednesday, where he was killed along with one of his bodyguards.

Iran’s supreme leader said in a statement on Wednesday, that “We consider it our duty to take vengeance”. And Khamenei condemned Israel for attacking the Hamas chief while he was a “dear guest in our house.”

The Jewish State Israel has been tight-lipped about the killing and has neither confirmed nor denied being behind in the assassination of Haniyeh.

In the ongoing Israeli war campaign against Hamas, they had vowed to take out Haniyeh and other figures in the Hamas leadership after the militant group’s October 7 attack, which many in intel circles said was a standdown to initiate the war and get it going. That Israel had a broader vision in mind to capture the rest of Palestine, which killed some 1,200 Israelis and saw more than 250 taken hostage. Since the Israeli military war started against over 39,000 Palestinians have been killed in the besieged enclave, the local health authorities reports. The war has only caused severe friction with Iran and Israel.

Israel in April as also struck an Iranian embassy compound in Syria, causing Iran to launch hundreds of missiles and drones in a direct retaliatory strike on Israel. The move prompted the US and other powers to mobilize air and naval forces to assist Israeli air defenses.

“Iranian military commanders are considering another combination attack of drones and missiles on military targets in the vicinity of Tel Aviv and Haifa, but would make a point of avoiding strikes on civilian targets,” according to Iranian officials.

And so the speculation is that another option would be “a coordinated attack from Iran and other fronts where it has allied forces, including Yemen, Syria and Iraq, for maximum effect,” the NYT said via its sources.

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 4, the free PDF book: Download and read: The last decisive sign, however, for the breaking out of the Third World War, page 710.  Terrible and horrible hurricanes will be released on the American continent, page 708.  England’s great power position will be forever destroyed, page 708  Damnation rests on the cult-religions, as well as on the Jewish (i.e., Zionist) mother, page 713.  The map area of Palestine in 1947 before (left), and after, page 677.   John F. Kennedy was going to obstruct the globalist plans?, page 707.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 4 Book)

Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh


War is the only way to peace in Middle East

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | August 1, 2024: Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, who now serves as Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council took to his Telegram social media page, suggesting that peace in the Middle East will only be achieved from a major conflict involving regional power brokers. And the escalating tensions between Israel and Iran, as well as their partners and allies in the region and beyond is going to get worse. It appears as if Israel is going for broke and the United States and Britain is helping them to achieve this feat, so that Israel can exert control over the region. ( A tier of the Western World Order unfolding.)

“The knot is tightening in the Middle East. Sorry for the innocent lives lost. They are but hostages of a disgusting state: the USA,” said Russia’s Security Council Chairman Medvedev, further adding that “it’s clear to everyone that a full-scale war is the only way to a shaky peace in the region.”

In the wake of the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in a rocket strike in the Iranian capital, Tehran, Medvedev posted his comment of Telegram. And the Palestinian group Hamas has accused Israel of carrying out the attack and warned it would “pay the price” for the “heinous crime.”

Iran has blamed Israel and said that the US – Israel’s main ally – shared responsibility for the killing called a “heinous act of terrorism.” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken insisted that Washington DC was “not aware of or involved in” the assassination of Haniyeh.

What appears to be happening is that the war is pushing to expand, where Israel and Hezbollah are on the verge of open conflict, as they exchange cross-border attacks since Hamas launched its October 7 surprise attack on the Jewish state – told to standdown and let the attach go ahead. The Israeli-Hamas war has brought unprecedented destruction to Gaza, raising tensions throughout the Palestine region, what is left of it, because mush of Palestine has been reduced significantly.

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 4, the free PDF book: Download and read: The [true] ‘peace’ symbol points to progress or evolution – the actual Tree of Life, page 410.  Terrible and horrible hurricanes will be released on the American continent, page 708.  England’s great power position will be forever destroyed, page 708  Damnation rests on the cult-religions, as well as on the Jewish (i.e., Zionist) mother, page 713.  The map area of Palestine in 1947 before (left), and after, page 677.   John F. Kennedy was going to obstruct the globalist plans?, page 707.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 4 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 7, the free PDF book: Download and read: The Creation-Energy Teaching, repetition is necessary for the basic Creation-Energy knowledge and understanding to breakthrough, – because the Earth is plagued with too many wars, deceptions, coercions and misunderstandings, page I-1. See what happens during the death of the body, our rest and rebirth (Note: first time presented in history), page 61. The Twelve Recommendations/Commandments, page 140.  The Human with a Part-Piece of the Creation-Energy, page 89. The [true] ‘peace’ symbol points to progress or evolution – the actual Tree of Life, page 410.  Pray as one who knows (- the original, before the churches and cults change the words into imagery and idol worshipping to benefit organized religion and donation reaping), pages 427 – 431.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 7 Book)

The map area of Palestine in 1947 before (left) and then after (right).


An Empty White House Gives Netanyahu Free Reign in US Middle East Foreign Policy

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | August 1, 2024: After Joe Biden became president of the United States, an elite source said, the White House is empty and Washington DC is empty, that no one was there. However, when you watch the news on TV, it shows people being there, and there is no way to tell if the footage is real and not tampered with. ( But I think what the source was implying is that the shadow hands, from inside the Deep State, to include the Pentagon, has hijacked the workings of the White House and Congress into their shadow domain. The intel I gave about Biden and Kamala Harris is still accurate, (here). The only thing new is that the shadow powers want to dump Harris, and are trying to see if it can be done in front of the public.)

On Wednesday at around 2 am local time, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in Tehran in an apparent attack by Israel. But before the Hamas leader was assassinated, Israel had strike and killed Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in Beirut, and hours after the attack in Tehran came. The United States is denying any foreknowledge of either attack, and that it had previously warned Israel against striking Beirut.

Experts of Middle East subject matter, says that the United States is either a party to the recent assassinations by Israel, or the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is acting as if there is no one behind the wheel in the White House, and he’s free to take any action without repercussions from the United States, said veteran war correspondent Elijah Magnier in Sputnik’s Fault Lines interview on Wednesday.

Both attacks could not “happen without the approval of the Americans unless Benjamin Netanyahu believes there is nobody in the White House,” said Magnier. Further noting that “Which most probably in some cases is the reality, because we don’t know who’s leading America today.”

US President Joe Biden ended his campaign for reelection after concerns over his mental sharpness became too large to ignore, but said he would finish his current term in office. ( But according to an elite source, that Biden debate was planned that way to slip in Kamala Harris and the shenanigans that goes along with it, including to eventually sidestep Harris. If that is planned, it is going to be interesting on how that is going to be done. One angle of the attack it is said will come from the US Congress. Other sources are also saying that former President Barack Obama is playing an instrumental role of pulling strings in the background, and was behind Biden dropping out of the race.)

On Sunday, news report said that US officials had warned Israel against attacking Beirut, that it may be a “red line” for Hezbollah. But Israel ignored the warning (perhaps because no one is in the White House to stop him) and a few days later, Israel struck southern Beirut and then assassinated a guest of the Iranian government that was in Tehran for President Masoud Pezeshkian’s inauguration.

“It is obvious that Netanyahu wants a wider war. He wants to force the Americans to come in because America cannot leave Israel on its own because it’s part of its doctrine,” said Magnier. Further adding that “They have to support the Israelis by all means, even if they disagree with the way Benjamin Netanyahu is conducting the war.” And explained that “Either [the Americans] cannot control Netanyahu and he’s doing whatever he wants (e.g., in US Middle East Foreign Policy) and is dragging the US administration behind him, or, they know, and they are saying they don’t know,” and either way they are complicit. “If they really don’t want the war, why do they continue supplying the Israelis with tens of thousands of [munitions]? Without this ammunition, Israel cannot go to war. So, there’s a big difference between what they are saying and what they are doing.” ( Good point by Magnier, and implies in a tacit way that there is an underbelly workings operating inside the United States, that be deeply allied to Israel and is pushing for a big war in the region and the United States government has to support Israel in this.)

As Iran shows restraint, Israel is giving them no choice but to respond as Netanyahu continues to provoke the situation for an all out war:

“Today, we have Netanyahu cornering everybody – the Americans, the Iranians, the Syrians, the Lebanese, the Yemeni and the Iraqis – and saying to them all: ‘Come to the battlefield, I want a bigger war.’ That is the takeaway message to the Arab world. And “If they don’t respond, he’s going to continue hitting them. If they respond – this is what he wants – then they have to play in his field. So what is the solution? This is where everybody is stuck now. They have to respond,” Magnier explained.

On Tuesday at the United nations, the Iranian mission warned that its response will be “special operations.”

Netanyahu wants Middle East War.

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 4, the free PDF book: Download and read: The [true] ‘peace’ symbol points to progress or evolution – the actual Tree of Life, page 410. Terrible and horrible hurricanes will be released on the American continent, page 708.  John F. Kennedy was going to obstruct the globalist plans – but the Globalists and Foreign Agents ultimately destroyed America, page 707.  England’s great power position will be forever destroyed, page 708  Damnation rests on the cult-religions, as well as on the Jewish (i.e., Zionist) mother, page 713.  The map area of Palestine in 1947 before (left), and after, page 677.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 4 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 7, the free PDF book: Download and read: The Creation-Energy Teaching, repetition is necessary for the basic Creation-Energy knowledge and understanding to breakthrough, – because the Earth is plagued with too many wars, deceptions, coercions and misunderstandings, page I-1. See what happens during the death of the body, our rest and rebirth (Note: first time presented in history), page 61. The Twelve Recommendations/Commandments, page 140.  The Human with a Part-Piece of the Creation-Energy, page 89. The [true] ‘peace’ symbol points to progress or evolution – the actual Tree of Life, page 410.  Pray as one who knows (- the original, before the churches and cults change the words into imagery and idol worshipping to benefit organized religion and donation reaping), pages 427 – 431.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 7 Book)


US Congress bill to attack Iran. SOS call to the Earth-Foreigners

BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | August 2, 2024: The US Congress quickly got into the folly after the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on Tuesday, as Iran promised a “harsh punishment” to Israel, prompting US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Wednesday to declare that the United States was ready to defend Israel in the event of an attack by Iran.

Then US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) quickly fell inline to serve his masters and introduced legislation before the Congress recess in August to authorize President Joe Biden to use military force against Iran if it is established that Iran has capabilities to threaten the national security interests of the United States. ( Probably hinting at assets, dotted inside countries in the Middle East to include Israel.)

( This was the reason why John F. Kennedy was assassinated. He was moving against the globalization network that was emerging in the United States to use the US military as the world’s police force. And who is behind globalization? It is certainly not the Native American Indians of North America, but rather foreigners who later invaded their land and after establishing themselves coalesce with foreign agents and non-governmental organizations to overthrow governments they don’t like. And what America means to these power-hungry elite ones who work silently in the background – is world domination using the land of the Native American Indians as a springboard.)

In the bill introduced by Senator Graham: “The President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against the Islamic Republic of Iran if the President determines that the Islamic Republic of Iran–

1) Is in the process of possessing a nuclear weapon that threatens the national security interests of the United States; or

2) Possesses uranium enriched to weapons-grade level, possesses a nuclear warhead, or possesses a delivery vehicle capable of carrying a nuclear warhead that threatens the national security interests of the United States.”

The bill says it is limited to Iran’s nuclear program; however, the wording is broad enough to satisfy the appetite of US warmongers to authorize Biden to strike the country of Iran as soon as the bill passes. Iran is not believed to possess a nuclear warhead, but its arsenal of missiles is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead if it was to develop or obtain one. The bill by the US Congress on behave of Israel would seemingly authorize Biden to strike Iran if he determines that it is a threat.

Besides the bill to attack Iran, Graham also introduced a bill the same day that would support any “escalation by Hezbollah and urges Congress and President Biden “to use all diplomatic tools and power projection capabilities to hold both parties accountable for their actions,” however, the wording stop short of specifically authorizing US military force to attack Iran.

On Thursday, Graham posted on X saying, that “it is long past time to start talking about offense when it comes to Iranian threats against Israel, the United States, and the world.” So, it appears that eventually, perhaps soon, a great war will erupt in the Middle East.

( We can only hope that the ‘Earth-Foreigners’ [i.e., extraterrestrials living on the Earth] will somehow intervene and muzzle the troublemaker in the Middle East. – I have talked a lot about the Earth-Foreigners, and the UAPs/UFOs that the Pentagon footage shows – 99% of those crafts belong to them. – The Nazis in the Pentagon are gearing up the media to join in the propaganda folly to hate these Earth resident extraterrestrials.)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 3, the free PDF book: Download and read: Umigos – The Giza Intelligence, page 86.  Giza Intelligences Deported, page 961.  The Americans Are Behaving Like the Giza Intelligence, page 961.  The Sirian Men in Black formed links with the Giza-Intelligences, page 109.  The Earth-Foreigners the originators of the Fatima phenomenon, page 1012.  The Dark Government Of America (i.e., the Shadow Government), page 89.  US Dark Government (i.e., Shadow Government), page 179. The Dark Government/Shadow Government Created in 1787 Secretly, page 287.  America’s Aspirations Of Its Dark Government/Shadow Government, page 426. America’s Dark Government/Shadow Government, page 435. Provoking A Far-Reaching World War By America, page 402. Danger Looming For Another World War, page 495.  Earth humans are being lied to and deceived, page 1241.  State leaders are subliminally influenced, page 1245.  The US army as the world police, page 1247.  The American government and the dark government, page 1252.  Earth leaders are so stupid and wish to inflict damage on all humans, page 1252.  The West/United States wants to breakup Russia, pages 497, 427, 190 and 34.  The bulk of all the state leaders on Earth are composed of utterly unscrupulous elements, page 1498.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 3 Book)

(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 4, the free PDF book: Download and read: The Foreigners/Earth Foreigners (the ‘second side of the power structure’), know about the Giza Intelligences, page 128.  In 1975 everything was thoroughly pre-programmed by the ‘Black Men/Men in Black, page 332.  The Coming Breakup of The United States, The Destruction of Israel; How World War III Possibly Starts & Moves Along, etc., page 703.  The ‘Men in Black’ and the ‘unknowable men’, page 706.  Licio Gelli and the ‘Men in Black’, page 706.   John F. Kennedy was going to obstruct the globalist plans?, page 707.  The ‘Men in Black’ and/or ‘Black Men’, page 778.  Hateful elements that cooperated with the Giza Intelligences, page 779.  When [the] Earth-Foreigners Make Their Presence Felt (- i.e., Earth stationed extraterrestrials to appear and deal with/reprimand the United States, Britain, Europe, etc.; the ones causing all manner of wars and exploitations on Earth against people, especially the third world; the Earth-Foreigners have been monitoring things for many centuries and their spaceships are patrolling the airspace 24/7, -Editor), page 459.  Note: Use the page number display located at top right to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format – Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 4 Book)

US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) – the warmonger working for Israel. How come he’s not labeled as a Foreign Agent?


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