Trump To CNN: ‘You Are Fake News’

SPUTNIKNEWS – January 11, 2017: On Wednesday at the Trump Tower the soon-to-be President of the United States confirmed what many journalists, citizens, and fact-checkers have long suspected: CNN is fake news.

“I’m not going to give you a question. You are fake news,” Trump said while pointing his index finger squarely at CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta. The CNN reporter admirably tried to get Trump to answer a question but was scolded almost as if a parent were teaching his children manners. “Quiet, quiet, don’t be rude, let the woman ask her question” Trump said, referring to another reporter. Link: Read Complete Article


Venezuela Suspends CNN En Espanol Due To Threat To ‘Peace, Democratic Stability’

SPUTNIKNEWS – February 15, 2017:  Venezuela’s National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) has suspended the operation of the CNN en Espanol news channel on the territory of the country, the commission said in a statement.

The suspension of CNN en Espanol, which allegedly generates “a climate of intolerance” and threatens “the peace and democratic stability” of the people of Venezuela is effective immediately starting on Wednesday on all “national territory,” CONATEL said on Wednesday, accusing the channel of “aggression” against Venezuela.

The commission also urged other media actors to offer the Venezuelan people timely and impartial information that corresponds to the values of the Venezuelan society and fulfills the constitutional guarantees of free communication.

The Venezuelan government reportedly launched an investigation into the work of the CNN en Espanol channel in August 2015, accusing it of spreading false reports on violence in the country.

The news comes as US President Donald Trump called CNN “fake news” and refused to give their reporter a question at a press event after the broadcaster had helped to fuel false rumors he had hired prostitutes at a Moscow hotel and engaged in lewd behavior.

The network that markets itself as centrist relief from hyper-partisan outlets Fox and MSNBC aired an uncorroborated, unverified report alleging that Russians had obtained compromising information on Trump. The report originated from a former UK intelligence operative, according to CNN and BuzzFeed, the first outlets to publicize the reports.

Following the national and global embarrassment, CNN desperately tried to distance itself from BuzzFeed. CNN claims their reporting of Russia potentially having compromising financial or personal information against Trump is part of its honorable First Amendment duty of “informing the people of the inner workings of their government.” Link: Read Complete Article


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