Оbama Admits US Had A Hand In The Birth Of Daesh

SPUTNIK – December 7, 2016: Outgoing US President Barack Obama has acknowledged his country’s role in the emergence of Daesh, echoing opinions earlier voiced by Syrian President Bashar Assad and even by his successor in the White House, Donald Trump.

“In shaping our response [to Daesh], we refused to repeat some of the mistakes of the 2003 invasion [of Iraq] that have helped to give rise to the organization that became ISIL in the first place,” Obama said during a major speech on the fight against terrorism at MacDill Air Force base in Florida on Tuesday.

“The Islamic State [Daesh] didn’t emerge all by itself, it is the result of a consistent effort by a number of US-allied Gulf monarchies and of the United States itself which, hell-bent on ousting Bashar Assad, was dishing out money to just about everyone,” Pushkov said.  Link: Read Complete Article


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