Americans Unhappy With Congress; They Serve Lobbyists, Not The People

BATTLEFORWORLD – February 27, 2018: According to a report published by the Associated Press-NORC Center, an overwhelming majority of Americans, irrespective of party allegiance, holds a dismal opinion of the United States Congress. The poll found 89 percent of Democrats and 82 percent of Republicans disapprove of the legislature’s work and that Congress’s job is below par.

The viewpoint regarding the Republican-controlled legislature does not change much across party lines.  And the number of Democrats that held an unfavorable attitude of Congress was 89 percent, only a seven percentage point higher than that of Republicans, at 82 percent.

Americans approval regarding the work that their own Congressman or Congresswoman is doing on Capitol Hill was only 44 percent, and 41 percent of Democrats and half of Republicans.

The plummeting ratings aren’t a product of President Trump and partisan skirmishes, because Americans have long been disappointed with Congressional politics. The Gallup Congress approval chart through the years has shown that it rarely climbed over the 20 percent threshold since 2010. After a record 84 percent approval in the year 2002, the rating continue to decline steeply, reaching a new low in November 2013 and then after slipped to just nine percent.

The “large majorities in both parties report lawmakers should pay attention to the majority of Americans but believe lawmakers actually pay attention to donors and elites. Rare in 2018, both self-identified Republicans and Democrats agree,” according to Trevor Tompson, director of the AP-NORC Center.

And this trend will only continue to worsen if the American public outlook of social life…deteriorates due to Congress serving their financial masters and not the voting populace.

References – Links:
[ 85% of Americans unhappy with Congress, most think it serves lobbyists, not the people ]


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